Colossians 2:1. For I would have you know how greatly I strive for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh;

Translation and Paraphrase

Colossians 2:1 (My striving against all the obstacles to the gospel concerns you Colossians in particular;) for I want you to know how great is the striving which I have (in my heart) for YOU, and for those in Laodicea, and for all who have not seen my face in the flesh.



Paul wanted the Colossians to know how much intense striving he endured in his spirit for their sake. It is so easy to hurt those who love us, and often we do this simply because we do not sense how much they care about us. Paul hoped that they would hold fast their faith more zealously if they knew how much he cared about them,


Paul's strivings for the Colossians has been called Love's struggle. Strife (Gr. agon; KJV, conflict) means intense solicitude and anxiety,


The wording of Colossians 2:1 relates back to Colossians 1:29. In Colossians 1:29 Paul declared that he was striving (Gr. agonizomenos) according to God's working. In Colossians 2:1 he asserts that they should know what great strife (agona) he had for them.


Paul's struggle was for people he had never seen, for such as the Colossians, and the Laodiceans, and for all who had not seen his face in the flesh. The uncertainty about the actual condition of such people would add to Paul's anxiety over them.

In Colossians 1:28 Paul spoke of teaching and admonishing every man. He did this even for those he had not seen.

Concerning Laodicea, see Introductory Study C, Facts about Colossae and the Lycus valley. The Laodiceans appear to have been infected with the same heresy that disturbed the Colossians,


Paul's struggle was probably first of all a struggle in prayer. Fervent prayer is a struggle, as anyone who has tried it will knowa struggle with self, and sin, and Satan. Compare Colossians 4:12. We can struggle in prayer as painfully as Jacob prayed and struggled with the angel. Hosea 12:4; Genesis 32:24-28.


Also Paul's struggle involved his own efforts to be holy and faithful and stedfast in his difficult circumstances. If he had lost heart and compromised his life, he would have discouraged the brethren everywhere.


Paul's striving indicates that he considered the Colossian heresy to be dangerous, and was striving to do something about it. False doctrines are always dangerous.


Ministerial anguish; Colossians 2:1-4.


Intense; Colossians 2:1.


Impartial; applies to all.



Desires their comfort;
Desires their unity;
Desires their comprehension of truth.


Expressed in warnings; Colossians 2:4.

Study and Review


What did Paul want the Colossians to know about his work? (Colossians 2:1)


How could Paul strive for the Colossians when he was nowhere near them?


For people in what places besides Colossae did Paul strive?


Had Paul seen the Colossians face to face? How do you know?

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