5. For though I am absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ.

Translation and Paraphrase

5. (Please do not think that my absence from you makes me indifferent about your Christian life,) for (even) if I am absent from you in the flesh, yet I am with you in the spirit, rejoicing (in your faith and love), and beholding your (good) order (in organization, worship and association together), and the firmness of your faith toward Christ.



When the Colossians were confronted with persuasive speaking by someone with new light on religion, they could very wisely in their imaginations picture Paul as being in their midst, perhaps shaking his head in disapproval at the doctrines that downgraded Christ and upgraded human knowledge.


Paul though physically absent from the Colossians, was always with them in spiritin desire and in remembrance. The truth of his teachings was always with them.


When Paul imagined himself as being with the Colossians, he found himself rejoicing, and visualizing in his mind their good order and the steadfastness of their faith in Christ.


A good church needs orderorder in organization, in their public meetings, and other dealings together. There is no inflexible pattern in the New Testament that constitutes good order for all the churches. What is good in one church might not work in another. Let all things be done decently and in order. 1 Corinthians 14:40. Order in a church is as necessary as order in an army. A good church needs soldierly discipline.


Unpretended stedfast faith in Christ is one of the grand goals of our labors for Christ. 1 Timothy 1:5.


Features of a faithful church:


Comforted, courageous hearts; (Colossians 2:2)


Unity (knit together).




Full assurance.




Power to resist alluring teaching; (Colossians 2:4)


Good order; (Colossians 2:5)


Stedfast faith; (Colossians 2:5-6)


Thanksgiving; (Colossians 2:7)

Study and Review


What connection can you make between Colossians 2:4 and Colossians 2:5?


In what way was Paul with them? (Colossians 2:5)


What were Paul's feelings as he imagined himself being with the Colossians?


What two things about the Colossians did Paul behold with joy?


In what respects (possibly) did the Colossians have order?

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