i. Wisdom is better than money. Ecclesiastes 7:12

TEXT 7:12


For wisdom is protection just as money is protection. But the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the lives of its possessors.



What advantage does wisdom have over money?


Wisdom leads us to whom? (Cf. Proverbs 8:35)


To live beneath the shadow or shelter of wisdom is like living beneath the shadow or shelter of wealth, but there is the added blessing with wisdom and that is the blessing of knowing that wisdom gives life to its possessors.


This verse adds another comparison to the growing list that exists between wisdom and other possessions which are discovered upon the earth. It is intended to help the reader understand that a wise man will value knowledge, which is synonymous with wisdom in this instance, above other things. To maintain a good name, one must place wisdom at the top of his priorities.

The additional comparison here is to illustrate the protective nature of wisdom. Yet, wisdom has greater value than offering protection to the one who possesses it. Solomon states that wisdom also preserves or keeps the one who possesses it. The analogy of the shadow is appropriate in that the heat of adversity (oppression Ecclesiastes 7:7) is evidently threatening. The shadow offers a shelter of protection from such heat. One can escape from certain threats in life by employing wisdom just as he can escape certain threats through the use of money. (Cf. Ecclesiastes 7:11) Examples of how both wisdom and money serve in this capacity are found in Ecclesiastes 9:15 and Proverbs 13:8.

Some translations suggest more the idea that wisdom gives life rather than preserves life. The idea of giving life is consonant with other passages in the Bible which speak to the subject. One example is found in 1 Samuel 2:6; 1 Samuel 2:8: The Lord kills and makes alive; He brings down to Sheol and raises up. He raises the poor from the dust, He lifts the needy from the ash heap. It is also true that wisdom preserves life. (Cf. Proverbs 3:18) Either way, wisdom is the prize possession.



Is knowledge synonymous with wisdom as it is used in this verse?


Name the distinctive advantage that wisdom now offers.


Why is the analogy of the shadow appropriate?


What variations of translations appear in the last half of this verse? Discuss.

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