Chapter 24 begins with an important chronological note. According to verse one Nebuchadnezzar began his attack against Jerusalem in the ninth year (of Zedekiah), the tenth day of the tenth month.[363] The Jews commemorated this date for centuries by fasting (Zechariah 8:19). Ezekiel was told to write the name of the day of the week and the day of the month (this very day). This written record was to be made so that later when the news filtered back to the captives in Babylon the genuine prophetic foresight of Ezekiel would be authenticated. Three things of importance happened in the ministry of Ezekiel at the same time the siege of Jerusalem was beginning several hundred miles away. Ezekiel delivered a proclamation in the form of a parable on that day (Ezekiel 24:1-14). On that very day Ezekiel lost his beloved wife (Ezekiel 24:15-24). Finally, the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem marked the end of Ezekiel's divinely imposed dumbness (Ezekiel 24:25-27).

[363] The same date IS given in 2 Kings 25:1, and Jeremiah 52:4

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