Hosea 8 - Introduction

EXAMINATION CONSIDERATIONS 1. Was Hosea's marriage actual or symbolic? 2. Did God command Hosea to do something immoral in marrying a woman of harlotry? 3. Why did God command Hosea to marry and live with such a woman? ASSOCIATIONS Associate the persons or events of column one with the corr... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 8:1-7

ISRAEL'S INGRATITUDETHE LORD'S LAMENT TEXT: Hosea 8:1-7 1 Set the trumpet to thy mouth. As an eagle he cometh against the house of Jehovah, because they have transgressed my covenant, and trespassed against my law. 2 They shall cry unto me, My God, we Israel know thee. 3 Israel hath cast off... [ Continue Reading ]

Hosea 8:8-14

TEXT: Hosea 8:8-14 8 Israel is swallowed up: now are they among the nations as a vessel wherein none delighteth. 9 For they are gone up to Assyria, like a wild ass alone by himself: Ephraim hath hired lovers. 10 Yea, though they hire among the nations, now will I gather them; and they begin to... [ Continue Reading ]

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