TEXT: Isaiah 14:28-32


In the year that king Ahaz died was this burden.


Rejoice not, O Philistia, all of thee, because the rod that smote thee is broken; for out of the serpent's root shall come forth an adder, and his fruit shall be a fiery flying serpent.


And the first-born of the poor shall feed, and the needy shall lie down in safety; and I will kill thy root with famine, and thy remnant shall be slain.


Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou art melted away, O Philistia, all of thee; for there cometh a smoke out of the north, and there is no straggler in his ranks.

32 What then shall one answer the messengers of the nation? That Jehovah hath founded Zion, and in her shall the afflicted of his people take refuge.



What does the serpent, the adder and the flying serpent represent?


What Zion is here meant?


At the time of the death of king Ahaz this message concerning Philistia was revealed to me to be proclaimed. Don-'t begin rejoicing, Philistines, that the oppression upon your nation has been temporarily broken and lifted. This momentary relief does not mean you are going to prosper. In fact, a successive worsening of oppression and destruction is going to overcome your nation. It will be like a succession of snakes getting worse with each; from the snake will come the adder and from the adder a fiery flying serpent will come to destroy you. I will protect and provide for My people Israel; even the lowliest of the low shall not lack food in Israel, and the poor shall enjoy safety. But as for you, O Philistia, I will wipe you out with famine and what is not killed by famine I will kill with war. Weep and wail, O cities of Philistia, because you are destined to go up in the smoke of an invader's destruction. An army from the north will invade your land and will destroy you with methodical diligence. What shall be told all who inquire about these events? They shall be told that Jehovah of hosts has established Zion, His covenant people, on a sure and safe foundation and all those afflicted by Jehovah's enemies will find refuge in Zion.


Isaiah 14:28-32 PHILISTIA PUNISHED: Isaiah clearly remembered the date of his oracle against Philistia. It was 728 B.C., the year that king Ahaz died. It appears the Philistines, for some reason or another, had been relieved of some degree of former oppression or subjugation and were now rejoicing that their future looked bright. They evidently were assuming that now (perhaps that the Assyrian domination was checked by Hezekiah) they could have free reign in the land of Palestine to wrest its control from the Jews. The message of God's prophet, however, is that several military or political situations shall arise successively (likened to first a serpent, then an adder, then fiery flying serpent), one always worse than the other, which would eventually wipe out the Philistine nation clear down to its roots. The utter destruction and obliteration of Philistia is contrasted with the utter salvation and protection of God's small, weak remnant, Judah. The lowliest of the low, the godly poor will feed and dwell secure in God's remnant. Philistia will wail and cry for a destructive force from the north will come upon her. The smoke may refer to the campfires of the army coming or to the Philistine cities being burned. The force from the north probably refers to the successive and progressively worsening attacks upon Philistia by the Assyrians after the days of Hezekiah. Sargon, Assyrian emperor (722-705 B.C.) captured the Philistine cities, deported some of the inhabitants and set over them an Assyrian governor. Later struggles between Egypt and Assyria were the cause of great suffering to the Philistine cities, and practically close their history as strictly Philistinian, The Assyrians were very cruel and methodical in their bloody warfare upon the world. There were no stragglers in their armies. They went about their work of destruction with diligence.

Isaiah 14:32 ZION PROTECTED: What should one answer messengers of the nation of Judah when they saw all around the destruction of the neighboring peoples by the bloodthirsty Assyrians? Will Zion (Judah) fall too? The prophet's answer is brief but emphatic. The message is simply, Jehovah hath founded Zion, and in her shall the afflicted of his people take refuge. Jehovah so powerfully and consistently demonstrated His purpose and ability to save and protect His people from all enemies all the messengers needed to know was, Jehovah hath founded Zion! The same message applies today. God has demonstrated in history His power to save, even from death. He has demonstrated His power and purpose to preserve His church. All we need to know is He has founded the Church. We take refuge in Him.

In contrast to the obliteration of Philistia as a kingdom, God protected Judah. Even when Babylon came and took Judah captive, God preserved them and delivered them and out of them He formed His eternal kingdom, the Church, reigned over by King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.



Approximately what year did Isaiah pronounce the doom of Philistia?


Why should Philistia not rejoice?


When did Philistia probably disappear from history as a nation?


What is the smoke out of the north ?


Why such a brief answer to the messengers Isaiah 14:32?

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