James 5:7-12


After the very vivid account of the vengeance that belongs to God, and the just judgment that will come to their persecutor, James turns back to the Christian brethren to whom he is writing. Don-'t let them shake you loose, brethren! You hang on to the very victory that God has promised in the end. This victory is sure to come. God is still our leader and His oversight real. So don-'t murmur nor complain. The Judge has it all in hand, even as He did with the prophets of old. So let your word be as constant and sure as is His Word. Speak the truth without deception and remain on the victorious side of the Lord.
Not only does the Holy Spirit in this instance champion the justice that is sure to come against the persecutors, but He assures of the reward of grace that is to be received by His own. The noteworthy thing about the Biblical justice is that God is the judge and the avenger. Justice is His business and He assures us He will take care of it. He has not given to man the authority for vengeance. The sword He has put into the hands of governments is not for vengeance, but rather to give His own army a measure of peace and protection in carrying out the spiritual warfare of this life. Though the earthly murderers fear not the wrath of God, being unbelievers in His Word, they yet fear death through capital punishment and so are forced to inhibit, or at least hide, their murderous actions.

Another point of justice that is clear in both the book of James and in the other Scriptures is God's insistence upon social justice. In the Old Testament, as well as the New, the prophets have preached vigorously against injustices toward the poor. (Isaiah 5:8; Amos 3:10; Amos 5:11; Amos 8:4-7; Amos 11:28; etc.). Feeding the hungry and caring for the orphans and widows (but not the indolent lay people) is a common concern of God's Word, A heart that weeps over the suffering of others is God's kind of heart. So it is that -Jesus wept-'. So it is that He looked over Jerusalem and considered her destiny, and wept. So it is that the horrible lostness that is in the world today brings grief to Him, and to the saint who has His spirit as well. But His weeping over Lazarus-' death was a grief for the suffering relatives that were left broken hearted. Jesus wept because they suffered.

How often the church neglects this sympathy that is to be shared with Christ. How often the needy are overlooked, and those who suffer for physical needs and in bodily torments are neglected by the prosperous church. Not only do the saints often neglect the visitation and encouragement to the saints in the old folk's homes, but they often send their own members and relatives to be among those numbers who are forgotten and neglected. Countless numbers in the hospitals who could be won to Christ in their great physical distress are often left to suffer alone. The saints will rally in support of a dramatic case of need reported in the newspapers but they as often neglect the unadvertized and numberless needy on their very doorsteps. Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction. James 1:27. The gospel is damaging for social justice, and we do not need the Social Gospel to develop this facet of Christianity. The Holy Spirit has already done so in the Word of God. Nor must we use rejection of the Social Gospel as an excuse for neglecting our plainly revealed duties for sympathetic help to the needy and fair treatment of those who are less fortunate and at our mercy.


WHY BE PATIENT? James 5:7-8


The Lord is coming James 5:7 a


We have the examples -


From the Scripture.


From the farmer.


Precious fruit comes later James 5:7 b



Murmuring against the brethren James 5:9.


Miss the pity and mercy of the Lord James 5:11.


The precious fruit of the merciful is lost James 5:7 b, James 5:12 b.



No need to confirm his speech with oaths.


His reputation is worth more than the oath of the liar.


He is not under the condemnation of the liars.

THE Judges 5:7-12


He is the Lord Jesus Christ James 5:7-8.


His judgment will come at any moment.


His judgment is to be feared James 5:12 b.

SWEAR NOT James 5:12; Matthew 5:33-37


Avoid all oaths.


Avoid the appearances of evil in loose talk.

(Cheese, for Jesus; Gosh or Golly for God, etc.)


Avoid the condemnation of God.

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