B. Conviction Jeremiah 20:11-13


(11) But the LORD is with me like a fearsome warrior. Therefore my persecutors shall stumble and they shall not prevail. They shall be utterly put to shame because they shall not succeed, eternal shame which shall not be forgotten. (12) But O LORD of hosts who tests the righteous, who sees the reins and the heart, I shall see Your vengeance on them, for unto You I have revealed my case. (13) Sing unto the LORD! Praise the LORD! For He has delivered the soul of the needy from the hand of evildoers.


The light seems to suddenly shine through Jeremiah's personal gloom and the prophet bursts forth in expressions of joyous trust in God. He suddenly seems to realize that God is on his side after all. Perhaps he recalls the words of promise given to him at the time of his call: They shall not overcome! For I am with you to deliver you! The Lord, a fearsome warrior, will fight the battles of His prophet. Those enemies who are plotting, whispering, and watching would not succeed. On the contrary they will stumble and fall and experience eternal and unforgettable shame (Jeremiah 20:11). Jeremiah simply resolves to lay his case at the feet of the Judge of all the earth knowing that He will do right. He alone is qualified to test and judge the righteous, for He alone can observe the inward thoughts and motives. Jeremiah is confident that he will be vindicated at the judgment bar of God and that his enemies will experience the vengeance[215] of the living God who is a consuming fire (Jeremiah 20:12). So confident is Jeremiah of deliverance from his foes that he bursts forth in a song of praise to his divine deliverer (Jeremiah 20:13). Faith has been victorious over doubt!

[215] The latter part of Jeremiah 20:12 can be translated as a simple declarative: I shall see your vengeance on them or as a cohortative: Let me see your vengeance on them.

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