C. The Picture of Regenerate Israel Jeremiah 30:18-22


(18) Thus says the LORD: Behold, I will reverse the fortunes of the tents of Jacob and have compassion on his dwellings. A city shall be built upon its mound and the palace shall stand in its appropriate place. (19) Thanksgiving and the sound of laughter shall go out from them. I will multiply them, and they shall not diminish; exalt them, and they shall not be lowly. (20) Their children shall be as in olden days, and their congregation shall be established before Me; and I will punish all of their oppressors. (21) And their Prince shall be of themselves, and their Ruler shall come out of the midst of them; and I will allow him to draw near, and He shall come near unto Me; for who otherwise would put his life on the line by approaching Me (oracle of the LORD). (22) And You shall be My people, and I shall be your God.


Having alluded to the destruction of Israel's enemies and the restoration to Palestine, the prophet now paints a picture of the regenerate commonwealth of Israel. It is the picture of a happy, prosperous people enjoying freedom and security in their own land. Note the specific promises contained in this paragraph: (a) the Jews who were taken captive will dwell again in their land as aforetime (Jeremiah 30:18 a).[249] (b) The city of Jerusalem will be rebuilt upon its own hill or mound i.e., on its original site (Jeremiah 30:18 b).[250] (c) The palace will be restored and shall be occupied in its usual fashion (Jeremiah 30:18 b).[251] (d) Thanksgiving and happiness shall characterize the inhabitants of the land (Jeremiah 30:19 a). (e) The population of the restored community will be greatly increased (Jeremiah 30:19 b). (f) As aforetime in the golden age of David and Solomon, God will protect them from their adversaries (Jeremiah 30:20). (g) A glorious Prince shall rule over them (Jeremiah 30:21). (h) They shall enter into a new relationship with God (Jeremiah 30:22).

[249] The phrase I will turn again (Or return to) the captivity of Jacob's tents seems to mean that God will muse the desolate, uninhabited tents or dwelling places to be rebuilt and inhabited. Streane thinks literal tents are meant but this is unlikely.
[250] Laetsch contends that city in this verse, which does not have the article in the Hebrew, is a collective singular referring to every city of Judah.
[251] This need not be pressed to mean that the restored community Would have a king (Streane). The word palace here may mean nothing more than governmental building. Freedman suggests that palace here is an allusion to the Temple in Jerusalem.

A further comment is necessary with regard to Jeremiah 30:21. That this verse is Messianic in character has generally been acknowledged even by Jewish rabbis. The King James Version is somewhat misleading at this point in translating their nobles. The American Standard Version is more accurate in reading the singular their prince. A still more literal translation of the Hebrew would be his Glorious One and his Ruler. The masculine possessive pronoun throughout this passage refers to the nation. Two significant points about this glorious Ruler are brought out in the passage. (a) He shall be a Jewish as opposed to a foreign Prince.[252] (b) The Prince shall draw near to God without a go-between. This implies that He will be Priest as well as King.

[252] Streane sees another possible meaning in the words from him from his midst. The expression may mean that the new Ruler will spring from a lowly family.

The last clause of Jeremiah 30:21 is extremely difficult. The King James Version renders: who is this that engaged his heart to approach unto me? The American Standard Version translates: who is he that bath had boldness to approach unto me? Perhaps a better translation would be: who is he that has staked his life (or risked his life) to approach unto Me? Under the Old Testament law only priests were permitted to enter the presence of the Lord. The Holy of Holies was open but once a year and then to the high priest alone. One king, Uzziah, tried to usurp the priestly prerogatives and offer incense before the Lord. He was smitten with incurable leprosy. But the glorious Ruler whose coming is predicted in this verse would be Priest as well as King. Zechariah a few years later would make it crystal clear that the Messiah would be priest upon his throne (Zechariah 6:13).

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