2. The disheartened (Jeremiah 31:10-14)


(10) Hear the word of the LORD, O nations, and declare it in the distant isles! Say, The one who scattered Israel has gathered him, and keeps him as a shepherd keeps his flock. (11) For the LORD redeemed Jacob, and bought him back from the grip of one who was stronger than he. (12) They shall come and shout in the height of Zion, and they shall stream unto the goodness of the LORD because of the grain, the new wine, the oil, the sheep and the cattle. Their soul shall be as a well-watered garden, and they shall not languish again. (13) Then shall a virgin rejoice in dance, young men and old men as well; For I will turn their mourning to joy, and I will comfort them, and give them joy after their sorrow. (14) I will give the priests their fill of fat things, and My people shall be gorged with My goodness (oracle of the LORD).


Israel was the flock of God, but during the exile a scattered and miserable flock (cf. Jeremiah 13:17). The day will shortly come, says the prophet, when the Good Shepherd shall seek His own. The Gentiles, the nations, are called upon to hear the word of the Lord i.e., to accept His word with a believing heart. Then they in turn are to become proclaimers of the Good News to Israel (Jeremiah 31:10). The Lord will redeem Jacob, the true Israel of God, from the hand of his captor (Jeremiah 31:11). The proclamation of the Gentiles will not be in vain. Together Jews and Gentiles will flow like a mighty stream to Zion. There they will both enjoy the blessings of the Lordgrain, wine, oil, the young of the flock and herd. God's people will be like a well-watered garden in the midst of a barren waste in that day. What an exquisite picture of the peace, contentment and prosperity of the people of God! Zion shall echo with glad songs of praise. God's people shall sorrow no more (Jeremiah 31:12). Their mourning shall be turned into joy. Old and young, men and women rejoice together in the joyous deliverance which they have experienced (Jeremiah 31:13). So many sacrifices will be brought to the Temple that the priests, to whom portions of the sacrificial animals belonged (Leviticus 7:31-34), will have more than enough to fill their own needs. The paragraph closes with a declaration which only the child of God who has come to spiritual Zion can appreciate: My people shall be satisfied with My goodness!

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