Job 20 - Introduction

TODAY'S ENGLISH VERSION _Zophar_ 1-2 Job, you upset me. Now I-'m impatient to answer. 3 What you have said is an insult, but I know how to reply to you. 4 Surely you know that from ancient times, when man was first placed on earth, 5 no wicked man has been happy for long. 6 He may grow great a... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 20:1-29

E. POWERLESSNESS OF PROSPERITYNO ULTIMATE SECURITYZOPHAR'S WARNING (Job 20:1-29) TEXT 20:1-29 THEN ANSWERED ZOPHAR THE NAAMATHITE, AND SAID, _2_ Therefore do my thoughts give answer to me, Even by reason of my haste that is in me. 3 I have heard the reproof which putteth me to shame; And the... [ Continue Reading ]

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