College Press Bible Study Textbook Series
Job 28 - Introduction
In Praise of Wisdom
1 There are mines where silver is dug
There are places where gold is refined.
2 Men dig iron out of the ground
And melt copper out of the stones.
3 Men explore the deepest darkness.
They search the depths of the earth
And dig for rocks in the darkness.
4 Far from where anyone lives,
Or human feet ever travel,
Men dig the shafts of mines.
There they work in loneliness,
Clinging to ropes in the pits.
5 Food grows out of the earth,
But underneath the same earth
All is torn up and crushed.
6 The stones of the earth contain sapphires,
And the dust contains gold.
7 No hawk sees the roads to the mines
And no vulture ever flies over them.
8 No lion or other fierce beast
Ever travels those lonely roads.
9 Men dig the hardest rocks,
Dig mountains away at their base.
10 As they tunnel through the rocks
They discover precious stones.
11 They dig to the sources of rivers
And bring to light what is hidden.
12 But where is the source of wisdom?
Where can we learn to understand?
13 Wisdom is not to be found among men;
No one knows its true value.
14 The depths of the oceans and seas
Say that wisdom is not found there.
15 It cannot be bought with silver or gold.
16 The finest gold and jewels
Cannot pay its price.
17 Its value is more than gold,
Than a gold vase or finest glass,
18 The value of wisdom is more
Than coral, or crystal, or rubies.
19 The finest topaz and the purest gold
Cannot compare with the value of wisdom.
20 Where, then, is the source of wisdom?
Where can we learn to understand?
21 No living creature can see it,
Not even a bird in flight.
22 Even death and destruction
Admit they have heard only rumors.
23 God alone knows the way,
Knows the place where wisdom is found,
24 Because he sees the ends of the earth,
Sees everything under the sky.
25 When God gave the wind its power,
And determined the size of the sea;
26 When God decided where the rain would fall,
And the path that the thunderclouds travel;
27 It was then he saw wisdom and tested its value
He established it and gave his approval.
28 God said to men,
To be wise, you must fear the Lord.
To understand, you must turn from evil.
What is the theme of chapter 28? Show how it is divided.
Discuss how important this chapter is to man today.
What is the point of verse one?
Is there confirmation of the presence of iron and copper in Palestine? Where?
What is described in verse three? The methods used for mining have not changed. Discuss.
What a graphic picture is found in verse four! What is it?
The surface of the earth is compared to what is beneath. What is below the surface? Cf. Job 28:5.
What gem is possible as being mentioned in verse six?
There is a strong comparison being made throughout these verses. What is it? Cf. Job 28:7.
The sons of pride nor the lion have not been to the place described in this chapter. What is it?
Job 28:3-4; Job 28:9-11 are alike. How so? Discuss the point being made.
Man can mine gold and silver. What is he unable to do? Where shall wisdom be found?
Is the price or the location of wisdom the point of Job 28:13?
What is the deep of Job 28:14?
The term gold of Job 28:15 is of a particular kind of gold. What is it?
What was unusual about the gold from Egypt?
How is the only reference to glass used?
What of the definite gems of Job 28:18? i.e., what is said in the Hebrew text?
What color is topaz?
Perhaps we are reading the verses of a song. Cf. Job 28:12; Job 28:20. Discuss.
Why is wisdom so elusive? Or is it? Discuss.
What is meant by destruction in Job 28:22? What could be meant by rumor in Job 28:22?
What is meant by saying that God stands in the emphatic position.?