The Speeches of Elihu

1 The three men stopped trying to answer Job,
because he was convinced of his own innocence.

2 Then a man named Elihu could not control his anger any longer, because Job justified himself and blamed God. (Elihu was the son of Barakel, a descendant of Buz, and belonged to the clan of Ram.) 3 He was also angry with Job's three friends. They could not find any way to answer Job, and this made it appear that God was in the wrong.4 Because Elihu was the youngest one there, he had waited until everyone finished speaking.

5 But when he saw that the three men could not answer Job, he was angry 6 and began to speak.


I am young, and you are old,

so I was afraid to tell you what I think.

7 1 told myself that you ought to speak,

that you older men should share your wisdom.

8 But it is the spirit of Almighty God

that comes to men and gives them wisdom.

9 It is not growing old that makes men wise,

or helps them know what is right.

10 So now I want you to listen to me;

let me tell you what I think.

11 I listened patiently while you were speaking

and waited while you searched for wise comments.

12 I paid close attention and heard you fail;

you have not disproved what Job has said.

13 How can you claim that you have discovered wisdom?

God must answer Job, for you have failed.

14 Job was speaking to you, not to me,

but I would never answer the way you did.

15 Words have failed them, Job; they have no answer for you.
16 Shall I go on waiting, when they are silent?

They stand there with nothing more to say.

17 No, I will give my own answer now,

and tell you what I think.

18 I can hardly wait to speak.

I can-'t hold back the words.

19 If I don-'t get a chance to speak,

I will burst like a wineskin full of new wine.

20 I can-'t stand it. I have to speak.
21 I will not take sides in this debate;

I am not going to flatter anyone.

22 I don-'t know how to flatter,

and God would quickly punish me if I did.



Discuss the character of Elihu as reflected in this chapter and given in the introduction.


Discuss the outline and content of his speeches, i.e., in an overview.


Some critics reject the speeches of Elihu as a part of the book of Job. Discuss their reasons and your position.


We do not know the father of Job nor of any of his three friends, but we do know the father of Elihu. Who is he? Why included?


This man was not angry because the three friends condemned Jobbut for what reason?


Typical qualities of youth can be observed. What are they?


Was Elihu really timid? or humble? Discuss.


Elihu believes he has more wisdom than his elders. How so? Was he right? Discuss.


To whom is Elihu addressing his words. What is the meaning of the word opinion in Job 32:10?


Does Elihu say anything to the three friends he has not already said to Job?


Explain in your own words Job 32:13.


This young man is very confident that he has the answer to Job's problem. What does he really offer?


Most of his energy is expended on what rather than answering Job?


In what way is Elihu's conceit insufferable?


He is a bursting wineskin. Explain.


If Elihu opened his mouth, new wine would pour out. Is this the figure used? Was it true?


He takes himself too seriously. In what respect?


Elihu would not dare to flatter anyone. Why?

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