1 And now, Job, listen carefully

to all that I have to say.

2 I am going to say what's on my mind.
3 All my words are sincere,

and I am speaking the truth.

4 God's spirit made me and gave me life.
5 Answer me, if you can. Prepare your arguments.
6 You and I, Job, are the same in God's sight,

both of us were formed from clay.

7 So you have no reason to fear me;

I will not overpower you.

8 Now here is what I heard you say:
9 I am not guilty. I have done nothing wrong.

I am innocent and free from sin.

10 But God finds excuses for attacking me

and treats me like an enemy.

11 He binds chains on my feet;

he watches every move I make.

12 But I tell you, Job, you are wrong.

God is greater than any man.

13 Why do you accuse God

of never answering a man's complaints?

14 Even though God speaks in many ways,

no one pays attention to what he says.

15 God speaks in dreams and visions

that come at night when men are asleep.

16 God makes them listen to what he says,

and they are frightened at his warnings.

17 God speaks to make them stop their sinning

and to keep them from becoming proud.

18 God will not let them be destroyed;

he saves them from death itself.

19 God corrects a man by sending sickness

and filling his body with pain.

20 The sick man loses his appetite,

and even the finest food looks revolting.

21 His body wastes away; you can see all his bones;
22 he is about to go to the world of the dead.
23 Perhaps an angel may come to his aid

one of God's thousands of angels,
who remind men of their duty.

24 The angel, in mercy, will say, Release him!

He is not to go down to the world of the dead.
Here is the ransom to set him free.

25 His body will grow young and strong again;
26 God will answer him when he prays;

he will worship God with joy;
God will make things right for him again.

27 He will say in public, I have sinned.

I have not done right, but God spared me.

28 He kept me from going to the land of the dead, and I am still alive.
29 God does all this again and again;
30 he saves the life of a person,

and gives him the joy of living.

31 Now, Job, listen to what I am saying,

be quiet and let me speak.

32 But if you have something to say, let me hear it;

I would gladly admit you are in the right.

33 But if not, be quiet and listen to me,

and I will teach you how to be wise.


Job, for the first time, is addressed by name. What does this mean?


Elihu deals with two claims made by Job. What are they?


Elihu is a master of banality. What is meant by this expression?


How many times does this man repeat himself? He keeps emphasizing one point. What is it?


In Job 33:5 Elihu challenges Job to do what?


Elihu describes himself as formed out of clay. What does this expression literally mean?

679. Elihu alludes to one of Job's charges against God, i.e., in verse seven. What was it?


At last Elihu is down to his self-appointed task. What has preceded?


Elihu twists Job's words. Explain.


Does he represent Job accurately in Job 33:10-11?


His point made in Job 33:12 is not well taken under any circumstance. Why not?


What is the point of Job 33:13-14?


God speaks to man in dreamshad Job had any dreams? Does He speak to us today through dreams? Discuss.


How does Job 33:16 relate to dreams?


The purpose of dreams is mentioned in Job 33:17. What is it?


God's purpose is beneficent. What is it?


God speaks through suffering. What does He say? Was this true of Job?


What does the word life mean in Job 33:20?


Elihu aptly describes Job's physical condition. To what purpose?


God speaks through dreamsthrough sufferingand now through angels. Was he right? Discuss. What purpose was there in the angel's visit?


A very personal God is implied in these verses. How so?


There is successful interceding. How was it accomplished?


Complete recovery is graphically described in Job 33:25. Explain.


What follows restoration? Does this have any reference or application to the Christian?


Elihu is both right and wrong in his expressions in Job 33:27-28. Explain.


Something can be inferred from Job 33:29. What is it?


If a man repents, what happens to him? Cf. Job 33:30.


Elihu claims to be Job's good friend. Was he? Why not?


He claims that the true and final source of wisdom is where?


Does Elihu have any counterparts today? Who?

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