37 The storm makes my heart beat wildly.

2 Listen, all of you, to the voice of God,
to the thunder that comes from his mouth.

3 He sends the lightning across the sky;

from one end of the earth to the other.

4 Then the roar of his voice is heard,

the majestic sound of thunder,
and all the while, the lightning flashes.

5 At God's command amazing things happen,

wonderful things that we can-'t understand.

6 He commands snow to fall on the earth,

and sends torrents of drenching rain.

7 He brings the work of men to a stop;

he made them; he shows them that he is at work.

8 The wild animals go to their dens and stay.
9 The storm winds come from the south,

and the biting cold from the north.

10 The breath of God freezes the waters,

and turns them to solid ice.

11 Lightning flashes from the clouds,
12 which circle about, obeying God's will.

They do all that God commands,

everywhere throughout the world.

13 God sends rain to water the earth;

he may send it to punish men,

or to show them his favor.

14 Pause a moment and listen, Job;

consider the wonderful things God does.

15 Do you know how God gives a command

and makes lightning flash from the clouds?

16 Do you know how clouds float in the sky,

the work of God's amazing skill?

17 No, you can only suffer in the heat,

when the south wind oppresses the land.

18 Can you help God stretch out the sky

and make it as hard as polished metal?

19 Teach us what to say to God;

our minds are blank; we have nothing to say.

20 I won-'t ask God to let me speak;

why should I give him a chance to destroy me?

21 And now the light in the sky is dazzling,

too bright for us to look at it;
and the sky has been swept clean by the wind.

22 A golden glow is seen in the north,

and the glory of God fills us with fear.

23 God's power is so great that we cannot come near him;

he is righteous and just in his dealings with men.

24 No wonder, then, that everyone fears him,

and that he ignores those who claim to be wise.



What is the general content of this chapter?


Elihu is full of wonder and praise before God. What has thus moved him?


How is God's sovereignty expressed? What lesson is there in this for Jobi.e., according to Elihu?


It would seem that God is being presented to us as the Lord of all seasons. Show how spring, summer, fall and winter are all represented. Cf. Job 37:3-6.


What is the meaning of sealeth up the hand of every man in verse seven?


Discuss the imagery in verses nine and ten.


What is the meaning of the word straitened in verse ten?


The word lightnings in Job 37:11 could refer to something else. What?


What is the purpose behind God's control of nature? What else is under the control of God?


Elihu turns from his hymn of praise to Job. To what purpose?


If lightning is under the direct control of God, what of those persons who are killed by it? Are they all the enemies of God?


What is meant by the reference to the balancing of the clouds?


Is there a title for God in Job 37:16? Discuss.


There is historical and physical confirmation of Job 37:17. What is it?


There is a most meaningful comparison in Job 37:18; don-'t miss it.


Elihu uses biting sarcasm in Job 37:19. To what purpose?


Elihu thinks it madness to want to even think of confronting God. Has Job been fairly represented by Elihu? Discuss.


Explain the point of Job 37:21.


To what does the reference to golden splendor refer in Job 37:22?


How does Elihu interpret God's righteousness? Cf. Job 37:23.


Why assert that all men are beneath God's notice?i.e., why did Elihu make this assertion? Cf. Job 37:24.

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