The Lord

1-2 Job, you challenged Almighty God;

will you give up now, or will you answer?


3-4 I spoke foolishly, Lord. What can I answer?

I will not try to say anything else.

5 1 have already said more than I should.
6 Then out of the storm the Lord spoke to Job again.

The Lord.

7 Stand up now like a man, and answer my questions.
8 Are you trying to prove that I am unjust

to condemn me and put yourself in the right?

9 Are you as strong as I am?

Can your voice thunder as loud as mine?

10 If so stand up in your honor and pride;

clothe yourself with majesty and glory.

11 Look at those who are proud;

pour out your anger and humble them.

12 Yes, look at them and bring them down;

crush the wicked where they stand.

13 Bury them all in the ground;

bind them in the world of the dead.

14 Then I will be the first to praise you,

and admit that you won the victory yourself

15 Look at the monster Behemoth;

I created him and I created you.

He eats grass like an ox,

16 but what strength there is in his body,

and what power there is in his muscles!

17 His tail stands up like a cedar,

and the muscles in his legs are strong.

18 His bones are as strong as bronze,

and his legs are like iron bars.

19 The most amazing of all my creatures!

Only his Creator can defeat him.

20 From the mountains where the wild beasts play

grass is brought to feed him.

21 He lies down under the thorn trees,

and hides among the reeds in the swamp.

22 The thorn trees and the willows by the stream

give him shelter in their shadows.

23 He is not afraid of a rushing river,

he is calm and when the water dashes in his face

24 Who can blind his eyes and capture him?

Or who can catch his snout in a trap?



God now challenges Job to answer or forfeit his right to do what? From what does this section of the text suffer?


What is the content of the admission of Job?


What is the meaning of the expression: I lay my hand upon my mouth?


Job speaks no more. Why?


Does the mere fact that God answered Job indicate that Job is righteous? Explain.


Why does God ask Job to assume control over the universe?


Modern man stands much in the same place as Job. Show how.


What was Job's lethal error?


Even if Job had established his own integrity and wisdom he would yet lack one essential quality for ruling the world. What was it?


For what is God making request in verse ten? Why?


Since you know what is wrong, go ahead and correct itis this the thought of Job 40:11? Cf. Job 40:12. Discuss.


Job 40:13 is obscure in meaning. Make its meaning clear.


God seemed to have neglected some areas of His creation. What does God say to Job about this? Cf. Job 40:14.


How shall we identify the behemouth? Why does God use this fearsome beast in His speech to Job?


What is said of the loins and belly of the behemouth?


Since the hippopotamus has a very small tail, Job 40:17 has reference to something else. This is a description of what capacity of the animal?


What is the sword of the hippopotamus? In what way could he be called the chief of the ways of God?


The marshland is the habitat of the hippopotamus. Why the reference to the mountains in Job 40:20?


The setting of Job 40:21 is Egyptian. Show how this is true.


How could we be discussing a hippopotamus and yet locate him in the Jordan?


How does blinding his eyes relate to capturing him?

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