Joshua 13:1-6

God's instructions to Joshua. This chapter marks the turning point of the book of Joshua. The first twelve Chapter s were devoted to the narration of the conquest of the land. The final Chapter s are devoted to the recording of the process of dividing the land among the tribes. Some time may have passed after the battles were over before God gave these instructions to Joshua since it is said that at the time Joshua was old and stricken in years (Joshua 13:1).

Joshua 13:7-14

A description of the land east of Jordan. The land east of the Jordan had been given to the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh. When God gave instructions to Joshua about dividing the land west of the Jordan, He reminded Joshua of the promises which Moses had already made to the eastern tribes. At the same time, there was a review of the general borders of the entire land east of the Jordan.

Joshua 13:15-23

The territory of Reuben. Moses gave the southernmost part of the land east of the Jordan to the children of Reuben. Their territory was down around the Dead Sea on the east side of that large body of water. It lay north of the Arnon River which flowed into the eastern side of the Dead Sea about halfway up the east coast,

Joshua 13:24-28

The territory of Gad. The children of Gad were given the land which lay east of the Jordan River and north of the territory of Reuben. It was roughly one half of the territory sometimes called Gilead.

Joshua 13:29-33

The territory of Manasseh. Moses gave the northernmost part of the land east of the Jordan to the children of Manasseh. Not all of the children of Manasseh settled east of the Jordan, but roughly one half of the descendants of Manasseh lived in this area. Their territory lay north of the land given to Gad and east of the sea of Galilee. It was primarily the land which had been ruled by Og, king of Bashan.



The Lord is not slack. When Jacob, the great patriarch of the children of Israel, lay on the land where Joshua was standing, God promised to give the territory to his descendants. This promise had been made half a millennium prior to the time when God actually gave directions to Joshua for distributing the land. It may seem to man that God works slowly; but as it has been said, the mills of the gods grind exceedingly slowly but they grind exceedingly fine. No promise of God has ever failed. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise (2 Peter 3:9).


God's leaders are led by God. Joshua had a position of responsibility, but he did not bear the responsibility alone. Although Joshua led the people, God led him. God gave specific directions to Joshua for distributing the land among the twelve tribes. In giving these directions to Joshua he reminded him that Moses had already made certain provisions for Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh.


God has something for all His children. The tribe of Levi was not included in the giving out of the land itself. The tribe of Levi were God's own special people. They had been taken from among the children in lieu of the firstborn from among all the tribes. These sons of Levi did not receive any land as such. They were given forty-eight cities in which to dwell, with small surrounding suburbs for their use. Their inheritance was the sacrifices of the Lord. They lived from the tithes and offerings brought to God by God's people. This special provision for the tribe of Levi is indicative of the fact that God does provide for every need.



How many tribes settled west of Jordan?


How many tribes settled east of Jordan?


Which tribe received no land as an inheritance?


Which tribe was southernmost in the land east of Jordan?


What Amorite king had formerly ruled this area?


Which tribe was in the center in the land east of Jordan?


Which tribe was northernmost in the territory east of Jordan?


What king had formerly ruled this land?


How many cities were in this area?

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