Joshua 14:1-5

The plan for dividing the land. God told Joshua to divide the land by lot (Joshua 14:2). This plan had already been selected during the days of Moses (Numbers 26:55-56; Numbers 33:54; Numbers 34:13). The sacred lot was often used to decide such matters, God showing His will through this instrument.

Joshua 14:6-12

Caleb's request. Caleb had been the member of the tribe of Judah selected to go with eleven other men to spy out the land. Joshua had been the man selected from the tribe of Ephraim. These two men had gone out together under Moses-' order (Numbers 13:6; Numbers 13:8; Numbers 13:17-20). The passage here clarifies the statement which God made about Caleb in the days of Moses (Numbers 14:23-24). Caleb believed God and expected that His promise would be fulfilled.

Joshua 14:13-15

Caleb's inheritance. Joshua knew full well the faithful service rendered by Caleb. He must have known also about the promise which was made concerning the land. For that reason He blessed Caleb and gave him Hebron, the city made dear to the Israelites by Abraham's dwelling there. Since the tribe of Judah received all the land south of the north end of the Dead Sea, Hebron lay in the very center of Judah's territory. It was an ideal place for the faithful leader to settle. Full details of his taking the land are given later in Joshua 15:13-19 and Judges 1:12-15.



God makes clear His will. Sometimes the Bible seems repetitious to the reader. A statement may be repeated two or three times. The radical critics often charge that these repetitions indicate different authors who knew the same material and wrote it down, They further charge that the editors or redactors of the Scriptures put these different accounts together. On the other hand, it is apparent that the reason for repetitions in the Scripture is for emphasis. God made it crystal clear to Joshua that He wanted the land divided by lot. Joshua followed God's will.


Blessed is the man who obeys God, The psalmist says that the man who follows God will be like a tree planted by the river of water; his leaf will not wither; and whatsoever he does will prosper (Psalms 1). Caleb was this kind of a man. For eighty-five years God had given him strength.


Men who follow God build fast friendships. The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above. Joshua and Caleb had been sent out together with the spies (Numbers 13). They had been faithful to God's bidding and Joshua was happy to give Caleb the inheritance which God had indicated should be his.



Who assisted Joshua in distributing the land to the tribes of Israel?


Which tribe received no inheritance of land?


How many tribes received land east of Jordan?


How many tribes were left to receive an inheritance?


Who were the children of Joseph?


How old was Caleb when he went to spy out Canaan?


How old was he when he asked for land to be given to him?


What city was given to Caleb as his inheritance?


What was the former name of the city?


Why was Caleb granted this special request?

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