Joshua 21:1-8

Preparation for the assignment of the Levitical cities. Since the children of Levi did not have any land as an inheritance in Canaan, they were to be given forty-eight cities, scattered throughout the borders of the other tribes. Their inheritance was the service of the Lord. Some of them were to attend to the work of the Tabernacle, while others were living in the six cities of refuge which were appointed out of the total of forty-eight cities given to them. The remainder must have been busily engaged in teaching the Law, making copies of the Scriptures, and in general, waiting on the Lord.

Joshua 21:9-19

Cities given to the family of Aaron. The high priests were all descendants of Aaron. Aaron had four sonsNadab, Abihu, Ithamar, and Eleazar. Anyone eligible for the priesthood had to be a descendant of these men. Two of them, Nadab and Abihu, were killed (Leviticus 10); and the line of the high priests was traced through the other two sonsIthamar and Eleazar. A total of thirteen cities were given to the descendants of these high priests.

Joshua 21:20-26

Cities given to the family of Kohath. Both Aaron and Moses were from the family of Kohath, a descendant of Levi. Other prominent men such as Korah were also out of this family. When the Levites were numbered at Sinai, there were 8600 of the family of Kohath among the Levites (Numbers 3:28). During the exodus, these men resided in the area immediately south of the Tabernacle and had charge of the Ark, the Table of Shewbread, the Candlestick, the altars, and the vessels of the sanctuary, Whenever camp was broken, these men shouldered these hallowed items of furniture and carried them until camp was set up again, A total of ten cities were given to the families of the children of Kohath,

Joshua 21:27-33

Cities given to the family of Gershon. There were 7,500 Levites, a month old and upward, among the families of the Gershonites when they were numbered at Sinai (Numbers 3:22). These members of the tribe of Levi encamped at the back of the Tabernacle in front of the tents of the tribes of Manasseh, Ephraim, and Benjamin. These workers had charge of the coverings of the Tabernacle itself, the hangings, the screen for the door of the tent of meeting, and the cords (Numbers 3:25-26). Thirteen cities were given to the Gershonites.

Joshua 21:34-40

Cities given to the families of Merari. Twelve cities were given to the remaining families of the Levites by the tribes of Israel. These Levites were all descendants of Merari, one of the descendants of Levi. There were 6,200 of them when they were numbered at Sinai (Numbers 3:34). Their workmen had charge of the boards, bars, pillars, sockets, pins, and cords (Numbers 3:37).

Joshua 21:41-45

Summary of the assignment of the land. A total of forty-eight cities with their suburbs were given to the Levites. Since all the other tribes had received their inheritance of land, the work of assigning the territory to the children of Israel was completed.



There is a task for every worker. The children of Israel were very well organized. Captains were appointed over groups of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens. The work was thereby properly administered, and the special task of the Levites was the service of the Lord. In Numbers, specific details were given with regard to their service. Such a division of labor reminds us of the fact that there is a job for each Christian.


A laborer is worthy of his hire. When Jesus sent forth the seventy disciples, two by two, He told them to enter into whatever house would receive them. As they stayed in these houses, they were to eat whatever was given to them. He then said, The laborer is worthy of his hire (Luke 10:7). The Apostle Paul declared that they who preached the gospel should live of the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:14). God made provision for the Levites to receive their livelihood at the hands of their fellow Israelites. Not only did they receive a tithe of the income of the land, but they also were given cities in which to dwell.


Jesus never fails. It is a frequent statement of truth on the part of the Christian that Jesus never fails. Jesus came into the world that they who beheld Him would behold the Father. He said that if any man had seen Him, he had seen the Father. Jesus-' faithfulness is an example of the never-failing goodness of God. When the Israelites had been settled in the Promised Land and cities had been assigned to the Levites, we read, There failed not ought of any good thing which the Lord had spoken unto the house of Israel; all came to pass (Joshua 21:45).



How many cities were given to the families of Aaron?


How many cities were given to the other Kohathite families?


How many cities were given to the families of Gershon?


How many cities were given to the families of Merari?


Which family possessed Shechem?


Who possessed Kedesh?


Who possessed Ramoth-Gilead?


What was the total number of cities given to the Levites?


How many of these were cities of refuge?


Were any of God's promises left unfulfilled?

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