College Press Bible Study Textbook Series
Judges 1 - Introduction
A summary of the period after Joshua's death. God's leading Israel to have Judah to begin the conquest is recorded in these verses. Judah began the task of completing the conquest of the land. Such work would include the driving out of the Canaanites who had filtered back into the fortified sites which had been overthrown in the quick campaign led by Joshua. The men of Judah were closely assisted in this work by the men of Simeon, who settled among them.
A resume of the activity of the tribe of Judah. This section includes a review of Caleb's asking for and receiving Hebron as his special inheritance. Since this area was within the midst of the land assigned to the tribe of Judah, it is natural for the conquest to be recounted at this point. Special notice is made of the failure of the tribes to drive out the Jebusites who lived in Jerusalem. The site of Jerusalem lay within the boundaries of the tribe of Benjamin, but it was on the border of the land assigned to the tribe of Judah. The Benjaminites, themselves, are especially held responsible for driving out this branch of the Canaanites.
Failure of the children of Ephraim. Ephraim and Manasseh did not drive out the Canaanites who lived in their midst. Mention is made of this failure in the sixteenth chapter of Joshua, and is in contrast to the more effective work which was done by the tribe of Judah.
The failure of the other tribes. The tribes of Zebulun, Asher, Naphtali, and Dan are singled out as having failed to drive out the Canaanites who formerly inhabited the territory which was assigned to them. Such a failure led to these people being snares to the children of Israel; they were as thorns pricking their eyes. They especially presented a temptation to the young men of Israel who married the young women of the pagan tribes who remained in the territory. Eventually they persuaded the Israelites to worship their gods and thus brought the downfall of Israel.
Let the Lord lead. The children of Israel did well to ask God to direct them in their activity. When one who believes in God begins any activity, he should seek God's guidance. God should be put first at the beginning of every day's activities. He should be put first in giving consideration to any new project. Throughout all of life's activities, the paramount consideration should be the performance of the will of God.
God leads to victory. Such a statement as the account that the Lord was with Judah is followed by the record that He drove out the inhabitants of the land. The fact that the people of Judah were not able to drive out all of the inhabitants of the mountains was the result of their failure to let the Lord lead all the way. Whenever a person puts his trust completely in the Lord, he finds that the Lord leads to complete victory.
Sin is a reproach to any people. The Word of God does not draw a curtain over the failure of God's chosen people, either individually, or collectively as a nation. A large part of Judges One is a record of the failures of the people of Israel to drive out the Canaanites who formerly inhabited the land promised to them. The failure was not in God's ability to help, but it was on account of the sin of the people. As Isaiah said, the Lord's hand was not shortened, that He could not help; His ear was not heavy that He could not hear, but the sins of the people separated them from their God (see Isaiah 59:1 ff.).
Which tribe took the lead in driving out the Canaanites?
Who went with this tribe?
What was the name of the king who had cut off the great toes and thumbs of seventy other kings?
What city in the midst of Benjamin and Judah was held by the Jebusites?
What famous city did the children of Joseph take?
How many cities did Manasseh fail to occupy?
What famous city did Ephraim fail to occupy?
How did Israel treat the Canaanites whom they failed to drive out?
What tribe was oppressed by the Canaanites who dwelt among them?
What part of its allotted land did this tribe occupy?