Judges 16:1-3

Samson in Gaza. The city of Gaza was one of the five cities in the Philistine Pentapolis. Samson had gone down to Ashkelon to kill the thirty men from whom he took the changes of raiment to give to his companions at the wedding feast. This city of Ashkelon was also one of these five most important Philistine cities. After he was spurned by his wife and her father, he went to Gaza; and it also felt the sting of the hand of the strong man from Dan.

Judges 16:4-20

Samson and Delilah. The association of Samson and Delilah proved to be the undoing of this last of the judges. It is not stated that Samson married Delilah. He married only the woman of Timnath who had pleased him earlier in his life. The Bible does say, however, that Samson loved Delilah, Evidently the love he felt for her was not returned, for she entered into an agreement with the lords of the Philistine cities whereby she delivered Samson to them to be destroyed.

Judges 16:21-31

Samson's last days and death. The Philistines blinded Samson and imprisoned him. His great strength was put to work in a mill as he performed the task which was ordinarily done by animals, Samson stood as a symbol of the people of Israel. His imprisonment represented the triumph of the Philistines over the people of God. For this reason, the Philistines brought him out of the prison to their temple in order that they might torment him and revel in their victory,



Her house is the way to hell (Proverbs 7:27). The writer of Proverbs concluded his chapter of advice for a young man by describing a harlot and saying, Her house is the way to hell. As the proverb says, She hast cast down many wounded (Judges 16:26). Samson's first step on the road to ruin was his going to the Philistines to marry a wife. At the harlot's house in Gaza, he is well on the way to the depths of despair.


The Lord was departed. In the days before the flood God said that His Spirit would not always strive with men. They were wicked and yet he gave them 120 years to obey the preaching of Noah. Paul said that God gave up the people of his day who were reprobate (Romans 1:24). Samson broke every part of his vow, and the Spirit of the Lord departed from him. The irony of the tragedy was revealed when Samson was aroused from his sleep and did not realize God's Spirit had left him. Christians who have been promised the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit should pray daily lest the Spirit depart from them and leave them powerless.


Only this once. Samson prayed for God to give him one more victory over the Philistines. He had allowed his hair to grow and was evidently keeping the vow of the Nazarites which had been upon him from his birth. God did not forsake him in his great need. Workers for the Lord often come to the real moment of truth. On these occasions they pray for God to strengthen them for the critical moments of their lives. God does not forsake those who love Him.



What was the name of the city whose gates Samson carried away?


Where was Delilah's home?


With what did Samson first tell Delilah to bind him?


With what did Samson next tell Delilah to bind him?


How many pieces of silver did each of the lords of the Philistines promise to give to Delilah?


To what city did the Philistines take Samson after they captured him?


What was the name of the Philistine god?


About how many men and women were on the roof of the temple to which Samson was brought?


Where was Samson buried?


How long did Samson judge Israel?

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