Butler's Comments

Chapter Two

(Luke 2:1-52)




Is there really a need to tell which Roman Caesar and which Syrian governor was ruling when Jesus was born (Luke 2:1-2)?


How could Jesus be of the lineage of David since Joseph was not His real father (Luke 2:4)?


Did the angels really sing at Jesus-' birth (Luke 2:13)?


Why did Mary keep to herself all the miraculous things about her baby's birth (Luke 2:19)?


How could an old Jewish man acknowledge that the birth of Jesus was a light for revelation to the Gentiles (Luke 2:32)?


Wouldn-'t it be precocious and disobedient for Jesus to stay behind at Jerusalem when his parents left for Nazareth (Luke 2:43)?


How is it possible that the Divine Son of God could increase in wisdom and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52)?

Applebury's Comments




He told about the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1-21).


He began with the account of the trip from Nazareth to Bethlehem where the Child was to be born (Luke 2:1-7).


It was at the time of the enrollment ordered by Caesar Augustus when Quirinius was governor of Syria (Luke 2:1-3).


Joseph went from Nazareth to Bethlehem where the family of David had to go to be enrolled, taking with him Mary who was betrothed to him and who was soon to give birth to the Child (Luke 2:4-5).


While there she gave birth to her firstborn Son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger (Luke 2:6-7).


There was no room for them in the inn (Luke 2:7).


He told the story of the angels and the shepherds (Luke 2:8-20).


How the good news came to the shepherds (Luke 2:8-12).


They were keeping watch over their flocks at night when the angel of the Lord appeared to them (Luke 2:8-9).


The angel said, I bring you good news of great joy for all the people, for there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord.


The angel gave them a sign by which they were to identify Himthey were to find the babe in swaddling clothes lying in a manger.


Then the heavenly host sang praises to God and peace to men (Luke 2:13-14).


The shepherds went to Bethlehem to confirm the angel's message (Luke 2:15-20).


They found Joseph and Mary, and the Child lying in the manger.


They told the amazing story of what they had learned about the Child.


Mary kept these things in her heart and thought about their meaning.


The shepherds went back to their flocks praising God that they had seen what the angel had told them.


He told about the naming of the Child (Luke 2:21).


It was at the time of the circumcision on the eighth day.


His name was called JESUS.


This was the name the angel had told Mary to call Him.


He told about the presentation of the Child to the Lord (Luke 2:22-40).


Mary and Joseph brought Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord according to the law of Moses (Luke 2:22-24).


It was after the days of purification prescribed by the law of Moses.


They offered according to the law of the Lord a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.


Simeon, inspired by the Holy Spirit, spoke about the Child (Luke 2:25-35).


Some things about Simeon (Luke 2:25-29).


He was a righteous and devout man living in Jerusalem.


He had been looking for the consolation of Israel.


It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord's Christ.


He was in the temple when the parents brought the Child Jesus.


What he said (Luke 2:28-35).


About the Child.


He was the fulfillment of the Lord's promise.


This Child was a light for revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of Israel.


To the parents as they marveled at the things he had said about the Child.


He told Mary that the Child was set for the rising and falling of many in Israel and for a sign to be spoken against.


He told Mary that a sword was to pierce her soul that thoughts out of many hearts might be revealed.


Anna spoke about the Child (Luke 2:36-38).

a) Some things about Anna.


She was a prophetess who spent her time in the temple worshipping, fasting, and praying.


She was the daughter of Phanuel of the tribe of Asher.


She was an elderly widow.


She spoke about Jesus to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.


Following the presentation, they returned to Nazareth (Luke 2:39-40).


He told about the trip to Jerusalem at the passover feast when Jesus was twelve years old (Luke 2:41-52).


After the parents started home, Jesus remained in Jerusalem hearing the teachers and asking questions that amazed them.


The parents had supposed that He was with friends and relatives who had accompanied them, but on discovering that He was not with them they returned to Jerusalem and found Him in the temple.


Mary said, Son, why did you do this to us? Your father and I were looking for you, sorrowing.


Jesus said, Why did you look for me? Didn-'t you know that I must be in my Father's house?


They didn-'t understand what He meant.


Jesus went with them back to Nazareth where He was subject to them, growing in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.


With boldness born of complete confidence that what he was about to write was the truth, Luke told about the birth of Jesus.
The decree of Caesar had gone out and it had affected even the people who were living in the land where once David had reigned as king. Joseph was required to leave Nazareth and go to Bethlehem, the city of David, to enroll himself with Mary his wife, And while they were there, Mary gave birth to her firstborn Son and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger, for there was no room for them in the inn.
Shepherds were watching their flocks by night, when suddenly a brilliant light shone about them and they were greatly frightened. The angel of the Lord was standing by them, and he said, Be not afraid; I bring you good news of great joy for all the people, for unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord. Then the choir of angels sang of glory to God in the highest and of peace on earth among men of good will.
Mary and Joseph, as the law of Moses required, presented the Child to the Lord in the temple at Jerusalem. There Simeon blessed God for permitting his eyes to see the One who is the salvation of all people, and Anna the prophetess spoke about Him to all who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.
Luke had made careful investigation into all the reports and records of the things about Jesus and must have known about the flight into Egypt and return to Nazareth by way of Judea as Matthew reports it. But he was hurrying with his story and merely said that Mary and Joseph returned to Nazareth, for he wanted to tell Theo-philus about another journey, the one that Jesus made with His parents to Jerusalem when He was twelve years old.
Jewish families must have made a great thing out of such occasions, especially those who would be on the road several days each way. Friends and relatives had gone with Mary and Joseph to the passover feast. When it was over, they all started home, but Jesus remained in Jerusalem. Sorrowing parents sought Him supposing He was with the group. But when they didn-'t find Him, they returned to Jerusalem. There they found Him in the temple sitting in the midst of the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions; and the teachers were amazed at His understanding and His answers. To Mary's gentle rebukeor was she blaming herself for what had happened?Jesus said, Why did you seek me? Didn-'t you know that I must be about my Father's business? But Mary and Joseph didn-'t understand Him.
We do not know what rejoicing was theirs when they joined the group and journeyed on to their home. We do not know what resolutions they may have made to guard the trust the Lord had committed to them more carefully. Luke simply says that Jesus went with them to Nazareth and was obedient to them, and that Mary kept all these things in her heart. How precious were His mother's memories! In all probability, she is the one who shared them with Luke, and he with Theophilus, and we are blessed by the record that has been preserved for us.



Why did Joseph take Mary and go to Bethlehem?


What had Micah prophesied about the birthplace of Messiah?


What is known about the power of Rome at the time of Micah?


From the Christian point of view, what are the two most important events in the reign of Augustus?


What do the Scriptures say about the children of Mary and Joseph who were born after Jesus?


Why is He called Mary's firstborn Son?


What can be said about the fact that there was no room for them in the inn?


How does the story of the angels and the shepherds add to the evidence that proves that Jesus is the Son of God and the Son of Man?


What good news did the angel of the Lord bring?


What, in all probability, did the people understand the word Lord to mean when applied to Jesus?


What is meant by peace on earth?


What is meant by men in whom he is well pleased?


What do Matthew and Luke say about the time of the visit of the shepherds and the wise men to Bethlehem?


What does Luke say about the things that Mary kept in her heart?


Why did the parents observe the law of circumcision and presentation of the Child to the Lord?


What does the fact that they brought an offering of turtledoves or pigeons suggest?


What is meant by the consolation of Israel?


Who was Simeon?


What had the Holy Spirit revealed to him?


What did the Holy Spirit reveal about the Child in the words spoken by Simeon?


In what way was He set for the falling and rising of many?


What is the sign that is spoken against?


What is the sword that pierced Mary's heart?


Who was Anna?


What did she say about Jesus?


For what possible reason did Luke omit the account of the journey to Egypt?


What was the passover?


What was the custom of observing it in the days of Joseph?


What had the Lord promised the men of Israel who left their homes unguarded on these feast days?


Why, then, did the destruction of Jerusalem occur during their feast?


Why would Mary and Joseph suppose that Jesus was with the group when they started home?


Did they blame Jesus or themselves?


How explain Jesus-' questions and answers before the teachers?


What lesson is there for parents in the experience of Mary and Joseph when Jesus was twelve years old?


What lesson for children?

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