College Press Bible Study Textbook Series
Luke 21:37-38
Applebury's Comments
Jesus Teaching in the Temple
Luke 21:37-38 And every day he was teaching in the temple; and every night he went out, and lodged in the mount that is called Olivet. 38 And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple, to hear him.
teaching in the temple.At the age of twelve, He was in the temple amazing the Jewish leaders with His understanding and answers. A great deal of His teaching had been done in Galilee, in the synagogues or by the Sea of Galilee or in the villages of that district. On special occasions He came to Jerusalem and taught the people who came to the feasts. As the ministry of Jesus was drawing to a close, Luke reminded Theophilus that Jesus was daily in the temple teaching. But that temple was completely destroyed within a few short years from that time, never to be built again.
and lodged in the mount that is called Olivet.He spent the night with His disciples in the mount of Olives. Luke does not inform us of the details. We may suppose that they camped out; after a busy day in the city, they went there to find rest and quiet.
the people came early in the morning.Luke mentions the eagerness of the people when John began to preach, for they wondered if he could be the Christ. Undoubtedly, many of those who came early in the morning had heard Jesus teach before, but their eagerness was not dulled as they listened to the good news of salvation. How strange that they soon joined the mob that cried out for Him to be crucified.
This chapter deals with the subject of the destruction of Jerusalem. Two brief references to the second corning of Christ are made: one in connection with the things that were to happen at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem, It was given to show why the disciples need not be misled by false reports of His presence at that time. The sign of the destruction of Jerusalem would be the siege of the city of the armies of Rome, but the sign of the Son of Man will be His coming in the clouds with power and great glory. No one of them needed to be confused by rumors of false prophets. No one will be in doubt about it when they actually see Him when He comes at the end of the age. The other reference is given at the close of the discussion about Jerusalem. Heaven and earth will pass away, but His words will not pass away: He will come again as He said, The issue is: Be prepared for that day!
Why did Jesus comment on the widow's two small coins?
What had He said about hypocrisy in giving?
Is there anything to suggest that those who were putting into the treasury their gifts that came from their abundance were guilty of fraud or hypocrisy?
Why was the widow's gift more than all the others?
What principles of giving did Paul teach?
Does the Lord's work really need the gifts of the rich?
In what Chapter s of the New Testament is the discourse on the destruction of Jerusalem found?
Why study all three accounts?
How did Jesus begin the lesson?
Why did He mention His coming in connection with the lesson He was teaching about the destruction of Jerusalem?
What would the disciples be able to see before the destruction of Jerusalem?
What did He mean by the reference to their redemption?
What did He mean by the reference to the kingdom of God in this connection?
What did He say about His coming at the close of the discourse on the destruction of Jerusalem?
How complete was the destruction of Jerusalem to be?
Who asked Him about it?
What was their question about?
What does their question reveal about their thinking on the destruction of Jerusalem and on the second coming of Christ?
What is the sign that will identify Christ when He comes?
Why was it unnecessary to be disturbed by false rumors of His coming at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem?
To what does wars and rumors of wars refer?
What was the sign of the approaching doom of the city?
To what may terrors and great signs from heaven refer?
What is the difference between this and signs in the sun and moon and stars?
To what does each of these refer?
What were the disciples to suffer before the destruction of Jerusalem?
How were they to regard persecutions?
What promise of providential protection did Jesus give them? 29. To what end did Jesus refer when He said, He that endureth to the end shall be saved?
Why did Jesus refer to those in Judea?
What is meant by Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles?
What is meant by the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled?
To what does Luke 21:38 refer?
How is redemption used in the New Testament?
What are the different readings of Matthew 24:33? Which is to be preferred?
What is meant by this generation shall not pass away etc.?
Why did Jesus say, Heaven and earth shall pass away?
What does Matthew say about the time of Jesus-' coming?
39. What should all do in view of the nature of Christ's coming?
How prepare for it?
What bearing does the parable of the Pounds have on the coming of Christ?
What was Jesus doing in the temple?
Where did Jesus and His disciples spend the nights of the final week of His ministry?
What was the attitude of the people toward Him at that time?