College Press Bible Study Textbook Series
Luke 6:20-26
Butler's Comments
Moral (Luke 6:20-26)
20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said:
Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.
21 Blessed are you that hunger now, for you shall be satisfied.
Blessed are you that weep now, for you shall laugh.
22 Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, on account of the Son of man! 23Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven; for so their fathers did to the prophets.
24 But woe to you that are rich, for you have received your consolation.
25 Woe to you that are full now, for you shall hunger.
Woe to you that laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep.
26 Woe to you, when all men speak well of you, for so their fathers did to the false prophets.
Luke 6:20-23 Weal: Weal means blessing. Jesus pronounced certain blessings on citizens of His messianic kingdom. But before we deal with the beatitudes of this sermon we must briefly look at reasons for assuming this is the same sermon recorded in Matthew, Chapter s 5, 6 and 7, called The Sermon on the Mount. The student will immediately recognize there are both similarities and differences in the two records. Note the following:
They begin and end the same way following the same general order in the rest of the sermon.
It is altogether feasible that they are chronologically in the same time slot (see comments above on Luke 6:17-19).
Matthew, writing for Jews, would naturally stress certain elements of the Mosaic law in relation to the nature of the messianic kingdom, but such matters would be of little interest to Luke's gentile patron, Theophilus, so he omits this.
It is possible that Matthew, gifted at recording data, and an eyewitness to the Sermon, made a verbatim account while Luke, depending on eyewitnesses years after the fact (see Introduction) got only a summarization.
While Matthew says Jesus went up on a mountain and indicates the Sermon was delivered there, Luke says He came down to a level place and preached it. The level place of Luke could be some plateau or natural amphitheater part of the way down the mountain.
If it be urged that Matthew places the Sermon earlier in time, we reply it is evident that Matthew is not so much concerned with chronology as with topical arrangement. He has probably done so with this Sermon, placing it in an early part of his document as an example of Jesus-' matchless preaching and as the keynote sermon of His messianic ministry, Luke has the chronological arrangement.
The four beatitudes summarize what a citizen of the kingdom of Christ is. They deal with character and being, because Christianity is fundamentally being before it is doing. What a man is must precede what he does in order to please God. That which motivates and controls a man determines whether what a man does is acceptable to God or not. Fasting, praying and giving alms to the poor are good in the eyes of God only if they are motivated from godly purpose.
Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Both Jew and Gentile considered wealth as a sign of God's approval. Jesus and the apostles taught differently. Poverty within itself is no virtue just as wealth is not necessarily a vice. But poverty may prove to be a blessing in that it may strip a man of self-reliance and make him totally dependent upon God. Matthew says, poor in spirit, but Matthew and Luke are ultimately picturing the same kind of moral character.
Blessed are you that hunger now, for you shall be satisfied. Those who are poor, of both this world's goods and of spirit, will be satisfied if they rely on God. Matthew puts it, hungering and thirsting after righteousness. Those simply hungering for more material things will never be satisfied! Hunger or poverty without faith may lead to stealing (cf. Proverbs 30:9). But any kind of hunger that creates a need for God will be satisfied, if not here, in heaven.
Blessed are you that weep now, for you shall laugh. The same focus applies here too, since there is a sorrow that leads unto death (2 Corinthians 7:10). Those who are poor, hungry and in sorrow, if they believe and do not faint, shall have power to laugh (rejoice) even in the midst of oppressive circumstances because of their hope that in heaven circumstances will be different! Hope for a better life in perfect circumstances after this life is over is the unique heritage of the Christian. It has a motivating power for godliness in this life (1 John 3:1-3).
Blessed are you when men hate you. on account of the Son of man! The poor are usually oppressed simply because they are poor and powerless. But Jesus offers oppression for His sake as a blessing! There is not much blessedness in being oppressed for any other reason. The Greek word aphorisosin is translated exclude and is from two Greek words, apo, meaning from and horizo, meaning to determine (the latter word in English is horizon) thus the compound word means, to mark off by boundaries. Poor followers of Christ may be cut off from social fellowship, civil rights and privileges others may enjoy. It is possible that affluent Christians might even be guilty of this toward poor Chrisitans (cf. 1 Timothy 6:17-19; James 2:1-7). The poor are also slandered (cast out your name as evil). The Greek word ekballo (cast out) was often used by Greek writers for hissing an actor off the stage. But where is the blessedness in being hated for the sake of Christ? Peter, the apostle, who suffered much for Christ's sake, tells us in his first epistle:
If any man suffer as a Christian, it proves he has ceased from sinning, so as to live, by the will of God, 1 Peter 4:1-11.
If any man suffer as a Christian he is blessed because he knows that God is not doing something strange, that if we share Christ's sufferings we will share His glory and that the spirit of glory and the power of God rests upon him because Christ was glorified by suffering for the will of the Father, 1 Peter 4:12-19.
If any man suffer as a Christian he is safe because it proves he has trusted his soul to a faithful Creator, who cares for him, 1 Peter 4:19 to 1 Peter 5:11.
Therefore, Jesus said, if you are persecuted for My sake, leap for joy. Luke uses the Greek word skirtesate for leap and Matthew uses agalliasthe for exceeding glad and both of these words describe the joyous leaping of a Greek athlete upon winning a victory.
It should be quite clear that we are dealing with principles and practices of living to which only a converted person might surrender. To accede that these ways are profitable and joyous would involve a revolution of one's values! They take the accepted standards of the world and turn them upside down and inside out! Barclay observes, The people whom Jesus called happy the world would call wretched; the people Jesus called wretched the world would call happy. Just imagine anyone saying, -Happy are the poor, and, Woe to the rich!-' To talk like that is to put an end to the world's values altogether.
Luke 6:24-26 Woe: There is another side; what of those who reject citizenship in the Messiah's kingdom and its godly morality? What is their future? What shall be their reward?
Woe to you that are rich. The Greek word apechete is translated received. It was used constantly in the first century as a technical expression in drawing up a receipt. Jesus means to say that those who devote all their energies and talents to earning this world's riches, may get them, but that is all the consolation (Gr. paraklesin, comfort) they shall have. Their wealth will be all the help, comfort and encouragement they shall get. When a man of the world gets the riches of the world he has pursued, God marks his account, paid in full. If that is all they have, their future prospect is woe because this world's riches are transferrable to the next world only if used for the glory of God and the help of others in this world (cf. Luke 16:1-9).
Woe to you that are full now. Woe to those who are satisfied with the fulness of this present world. This world will perish but they will not. If they have only the perishable to satisfy them, they will hunger in the next. If it is not truth, goodness, purity, peace, love and God that satisfies them here, they will hunger in the next world.
Woe to you that laugh now. Applebury says, The laughter of the wicked will become the cries of the lost. Although the New Testament does not prohibit Christian fun and laughter, neither does it condone frivolity and foolishnessmuch less the sick and foul humor of the centuries at which most of mankind has laughed. The wealthy and powerful who devote themselves to enjoyment of this world and give not the slightest consideration or compassion to the poor and oppressed are not fit for Christ's kingdom. They may laugh now, but when His kingdom is consummated and time is changed into eternity, they will have nothing but woe.
Woe to you, when all men speak well of you. Of course, Christians are to strive for a good reputation among their contemporaries, (Romans 12:17; 1 Timothy 3:2, etc.). What Jesus is talking about here is false flattery. True prophets of old were slandered because they told the truth while false prophets were flattered and praised by those who sought their favor. The Christian will get no flattery or testimonials from those who hate Christ and seek to ruin His church unless the Christian agrees to compromise his integrity and faithfulness.
The New Testament plainly states that the joy of heaven will more than compensate for the trouble of this earth. In fact, it says Christians will receive a glory beyond all comparison (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). The question is: who will believe that promise and so live in this earth as to prepare himself for the next?
Applebury's Comments
The Beatitudes and the Woes
Luke 6:20-26 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed are ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God. 21 Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh. 22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. 23 Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy: for behold, your reward is great in heaven; for in the same manner did their fathers unto the prophets. 24 But woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation. 25 Woe unto you, ye that are full now! for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you, ye that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep. 26 Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for in the same manner did their fathers to the false prophets.
he lifted up his eyes.A speaker normally looks at his audience, but Luke seems to suggest something more when he says that Jesus lifted up His eyes on the disciples. He saw them as men who needed the lesson He was about to give. There were blessings for some but woes for others. All of them must have been aware of the importance of what He was about to say as He swept the audience with His eyes.
Blessed.Only from the context can the rich meaning of the word be grasped. See it in Psalms 1:1 Blessed is the manand there follows the description of the fortunate man who meditates on the Word of God day and night. Jesus spoke of those who were so fortunate as to cause others to long for the same blessed state. Happy seems very limited as a word to carry all that is implied by the word Jesus used.
ye poor.What did the poor of His audience think when He congratulated them and called them fortunate? Usually the poor are to be pitied. Poor in spirit seems to refer to humble people. But Jesus said, according to Luke, blessed are ye poor. It is possible that He intended to speak to those who were literally poor. It was a common thing for the poor to be mistreated by the rich. See James 2:6. Jesus came to preach good tidings to the poor (Luke 4:18). It can mean the poor in spirit and also the poor in material goods. The principles of the gospel if applied would banish poverty from this world. See Paul's word to the poverty stricken Macedonians in 2 Corinthians 8:1-9.
ye that hunger now.In the fourth beatitude as Matthew reports it, Jesus spoke of those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. Are we to read this concept into Luke's account? Is it possible that Jesus was speaking to those who were actually feeling the pangs of hunger? We do know that He was aware of the physical needs of His people also, for He fed them on loaves and fishes. But more than that, He provided for their spiritual sustenance by giving them the Bread of Life. See James-' word about those who lack daily food (James 2:15). So often those who lack daily food also lack the food that satisfies the soul.
for yours is the kingdom of God.The poor are to be comforted in that they may have a rich blessing for their souls in this life. But in addition to that, the kingdom of Godheaven itselfbelongs to them. There will be no poverty there, even though the poor ye have with you always in this world.
Wherever the Word of Christ has been fully accepted, the hungry are filled both literally and figuratively. The answer to the needs of the world is not the doctrine of materialism but the gospel of Christ. The gospel in the hearts of men will cause them to share the produce of the world with the needy and also the Bread of Life that will abolish spiritual poverty. See 2 Corinthians 9:10-15.
that weep now: for ye shall laugh.According to Matthew, Jesus said, they that mourn shall be comforted. Is this a reference to the grief of this life or to those whose godly sorrow leads to repentance? Luke seems to place emphasis on the issue of the present first and the future last. Those who weep now shall laugh in heaven, for there will be no tears there.
when men shall hate you.Peter and John gave an example of the proper attitude for Christians under persecution. They preferred the approval of God rather than men, See Acts 4:19-21.
your reward is great in heaven.It is possible that all these rewards are heavenly. Jesus said, In this world ye have tribulations: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world (John 16:33). See also Philippians 3:20-21; 2 Peter 3:11-13; Rev. 21-4-5.
But woe unto you that are rich.Not the possession, but the misuse of riches is condemned. The one who worships gold rather than God justly comes under this condemnation. See James 1:9-11 for the correct view that puts the riches of heaven above the temporary riches of this life.
ye have received your consolation.Some men prayed to be seen of men, and when men saw them and spoke of them as religious people, they were paid in full. When one makes riches his goal, he must settle for the consolation that riches bring, but he should remember what the Lord said about the time when riches fail. See Luke 12:20-21; Luke 16:11.
full now.The emphasis is on now. Some people are perfectly satisfied with physical food and have no thought for the food of the soul. Many who ate the loaves and fishes merely wanted more of the same and were not interested in the Bread of Life. Ye shall hunger seems to look to the time when those who have contented themselves with material riches will realize that they should have given some attention to the spiritual life.
that laugh now.The laughter of the wicked will become the cries of the lost. James says, Clean your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts ye doubleminded. Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned into mourning, and your joy into heaviness (James 4:8-9).
Neither Jesus nor James prohibit Christian joy and laughter. There is no record of Jesus having laughed, but He did join in the festive occasions of the people. If He did laugh, it certainly was not at some filthy joke. Much of what passes for humor today illustrates what Jesus was talking about. The jesting which Paul forbids is of the same sorta well turned phrase that suggests evil and causes some to laugh at the filth of the world. Christian people ought not to be guilty of such a thing.
when all men speak well of you.We are not to assume that a good reputation was not to be desired, for God's people are to take thought for things honorable in the sight of all men (Romans 12:17). But Jesus was speaking of those who flattered the false prophets in order to be in their favor. The fathers of the Jews had been guilty of this very thing. But Jesus was not influenced by the flattery of men. For example, He wasn-'t moved by their efforts to make Him their king. Those who prefer the approval of Christ to that of men will find that they may have to pay dearly for their loyalty to the Lord (2 Timothy 3:12).