Butler's Comments

Chapter Seven

(Luke 7:1-50)




Why would a centurion care so much about a slave (Luke 7:1-2)?


What was behind the unusual conduct of the centurion toward Jesus (Luke 7:3-10)?


Why were the people seized with fear when Jesus brought the widow's son back from the dead (Luke 7:16)?


Since John the Baptist had already called Jesus the Lamb of God why is he now asking Jesus if He is the one (Luke 7:18-23)?


How is John the Baptist more than a prophet (Luke 7:26)?


What is the meaning of wisdom is justified by all her children (Luke 7:35)?


Why was this woman in this Pharisee's house washing Jesus-' feet with her tears (Luke 7:36-50)?

Applebury's Comments




Luke's account of two miracles in the healing ministry of Jesus (Luke 7:1-17).


Healing the centurion's servanta lesson in faith (Luke 7:1-10).


It took place at Capernaum (1).


The centurion appealed to Jesus (Luke 7:2-5).


His servant was dear to him and at the point of death.


He sent the elders of the Jews to ask Jesus to come and save his servant.


The elders urged Jesus to do so. They said:


He is worthy that you do this for him.


He loves our nation and built our synagogue.


Jesus went with the elders (Luke 7:6-9).


As they neared the house, they met the friends of the centurion with a message for Jesus.


He did not feel worthy to have Jesus enter his house or even to come in person to ask Jesus to come.


His request: Say the word and my servant shall be healed.


The centurion's insight into the power and authority of Jesus:


As a man under authority he understood the power of giving orders.


He knew what it meant to have his orders obeyed.


Jesus marveled and said, Not even in Israel have I found such faith.


When the centurion's friends returned to the house, they found the servant in good health.


Raising the widow's sona demonstration of Jesus-' compassion (Luke 7:11-17).


The circumstances leading to the miracle (Luke 7:11-13).


Jesus and His disciples, accompanied by a great crowd, were nearing the city of Nain where they met the funeral procession.


The man that had died was the only son of a widowed mother.


Many people from the city were with her.


When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said, Don-'t cry.


The gentle Jesus performed the mighty miracle (Luke 7:14-15).


He touched the bier and the bearers stood still.


He said, Young man, I say to you, Arise.


The dead man sat up and began to speak.


Jesus gave him back to his mother.


The effect of this miracle (Luke 7:16-17).


Fear held all in its grasp.


They glorified God saying, A great prophet has arisen among us; God has visited His people.


The report went out to all Judea and surrounding country.


Luke's account of two incidents in the teaching ministry of Jesus (Luke 7:18-50).


What He taught about John the Baptista lesson on true greatness (Luke 7:18-23).


John had sent two of his disciples to ask Jesus (Luke 7:18-23):


Are you the one that is to come, or are we to look for another?


Jesus-' answer:


Instead of answering Yes or No, He showed them His power to heal many diseases and to restore the sight of the blind.


He said, Go tell John what you have seen and heard.


He added, Blessed is he whosoever he might be who is not ensnared by me.


The lesson about John (Luke 7:24-35).


What did people expect to see in John? (Luke 7:24-26).


A reed shaken in the wind?


A man clothed in soft raiment?


A prophet? Yes, but more than a prophet.


The true greatness of John (Luke 7:27-28).


He was the messenger to prepare for the Lord.


Among those born of women there is none greater than John.


The one who is but little in the kingdom of God is greater than he.


The reaction to John's message (Luke 7:29-30).


Publicans justified God by being baptized by John.


The Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God, refusing to be baptized by John.


A contrast between John and Jesus (Luke 7:31-35).


The example of children playing games: Funeral or Wedding.


The people rejected both John and Jesus:


They said John had a demon.


They accused Jesus of being a winebibber and a glutton.


The wise understood both John and Jesus, for Wisdom is justified of all her children.


What He taught on the occasion of the anointing in the house of Simon the Phariseea lesson on love and forgiveness. (Luke 7:36-50).


Jesus was a guest in the house of Simon (Luke 7:36).


The anointing while He was at the table (Luke 7:37-38).


By a woman of the city, a sinner.


She knew that He was at the Pharisee's house.


She stood at His feet weeping; her tears wet His feet; she wiped them with her hair and anointed them with precious ointment.


The reaction of the Pharisee (Luke 7:39-47).


Simon was saying to himself, If this man were a prophethe was sure that He wasn-'the would have known what sort of woman was touching him. Simon knew her only as a sinner.


Jesus answered the question of Simon's mind and said, Simon, I have something to say to you.


Simon answered, Teacher, say it. (Luke 7:40)


Jesus told the story of two debtors, one owing five hundred denarii and the other, fifty. Their debts were cancelled when they couldn-'t pay them.


Jesus asked, Which of them will love more?


Simon answered, I suppose the one to whom he forgave more.


Jesus said, You have decided correctly. Then He pointed out the contrast between what the woman did and what Simon neglected to do.


Jesus said, Her sins which are many are forgiven, for she loved much. But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves littlethat was true of Simon.

d) The lesson of forgiveness (Luke 7:48-50).


He said to the woman, Your sins are forgiven.


The other guests said to themselves, Who is this that even forgives sins?


Jesus said to the woman, Your faith has saved you; go in peace.


Four incidents of the ministry of Jesus are presented in this chapter. Two are of the healing ministry and two of the teaching ministry of the Lord. But the examples of healing were also used to teach; for teaching was primary in His ministry, miracles were worked to prove that He spoke from God.
Healing the centurion's servant gave Jesus the opportunity to point out the meaning of faith. The soldier knew how to give orders, and he knew how to obey them. He believed that Jesus had the right to give the order and his servant would be healed. Jesus marveled that a Gentile saw what Israel failed to see, the real meaning of faith.
The compassion of Jesus was shown in the miracle of raising the widow's son. People stood in awe when they saw it and glorified God saying, A great prophet has arisen among us; God has visited His people.
The disciples of John asked Jesus, at John's suggestion, the burning question, Are you the one that is to come, or are we to look for another? Jesus answered by telling them to look at what He was doing. It was the fulfillment of the prophet's description of the work of the Messiah.

Jesus spoke of the greatness of John, but pointed out that the least in the kingdom of God is greater than the greatest born of woman. But there was wisdom in John's approach to the work he was to do, and there was also wisdom in what Jesus did, although many misunderstood both John and Jesus.
He taught the great lesson on love and forgiveness when He was a dinner guest in the house of Simon the Pharisee. The woman of the city, a sinner, had been forgiven at some time before this incident. Out of her great love for the Lord who had forgiven her sins, she entered the house of the Pharisee who didn-'t believe that He was the Prophet of God and before all the guests poured out the expression of her love on Him. Her sins were forgiven as shown by her love; but, as in Simon's case, little appreciation for forgiveness is accompanied by little love.



What does the New Testament say about the various Gentiles who were attracted to Jesus?


What caused the centurion to appeal to Jesus?


What was his reputation among the Jews?


Why did he ask the elders of the Jews to speak for him?


When and why did he decide that Jesus should not enter his house?


How did he explain his reason for saying to Jesus, Say the word and my servant shall live?


Why did Jesus marvel at what he said?


What are the circumstances of the raising of the widow's son?


What was Jesus-' attitude toward the widowed mother?


What are some of the Scriptures that give hope to the Christian in the face of death?


What was the effect of the miracle on the people who witnessed it?


What did John do when he heard about all these things?


What question did John's disciples ask Jesus? Why?


How did Jesus answer?


Why did some find an occasion of stumbling in Jesus?


What questions did Jesus ask the people about John?


How explain what Jesus said about the greatness of John in contrast to the least in the kingdom of God?


What did Jesus mean by His reference to the games played by the children?


Why did they call Jesus a friend of publican and sinners?


How did He show the wisdom of His ministry and of John'S.


Why did the Jewish leaders invite Jesus to their homes?


What does John say about the attitude of Nicodemus toward Jesus?


What was the name of the Pharisee in whose house the anointing took place?


What are the facts about the woman who anointed Him?


Why did she enter the Pharisee's house?


What was the Pharisee thinking while she was anointing the feet of Jesus?


What story did Jesus tell the Pharisee?


How did he treat it?


What lesson did Jesus teach from it?


What did He say about the woman's sins?


What had her dramatic demonstration of love proved?


Why do some have only little love for the Lord?

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