20. Now unto our God and Father be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Translation and Paraphrase

20. And now (may) the glory (be) unto our God and father for ever and ever, Amen (Truly!).



Paul's epistles are full of doxologies such as this one. When Paul reached the conclusion of some exalted line of thought. he burst forth with Glory to God! Here his doxology was produced by the wonderful thought that God will supply all our need. For other doxologies see Romans 11:36; Romans 16:27; Galatians 1:5; Ephesians 3:21; 1 Timothy 1:17.


The word doxology is derived from two Greek words, and literally means A word of glory or An expression of glory. Let us not be too stiff and formalistic to burst forth into an occasional doxology.


For ever and ever is (literally translated) unto the ages of the ages. This is an expression frequently used in the scriptures to describe eternity.

We cannot comprehend the length of eternity. We can only conceive of one age, followed by another, and yet more and more. This is the view of eternity presented in the Bible by the expression for ever and ever. It presents eternity as a succession of ages (Gr. mon, or eon), going on as far as we can perceive and then farther yet.

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