6. In nothing be anxious; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.

Translation and Paraphrase

6. Do not be anxious (and worried) about a thing; instead (of worrying) let your requests be made known to God in everything (you do) by prayer (of devotion) and supplication (for your needs), with thanksgiving.
7. And (if you will do this) the peace of God which exceeds all (human) understanding will keep guard over your hearts and thoughts (protecting both your emotions and your mind, and keep them safe) in Christ Jesus.



These verses tell of the peace that comes through thankful prayer.


Be careful for nothing means Be anxious (or worried) about nothing. Be full of cares over nothing.


These verses sound like an echo of the sermon on the mount. See Matthew 6:25-34. Compare Psalms 145:18-19.


The remedy for anxiety is prayer (this word give prominence to the element of devotion) and supplication (gives prominence to the expression of personal needs). Compare Luke 18:1; 1 Peter 5:8.

In prayer, however, we must not forget to let our requests be made known with thanksgiving,


God likes us to offer specific requests in prayers. Vague generalities are usually meaningless formalism.


The peace of God here promised is that inward peace of soul which comes from God, and is based on God's presence and promises. Compare Colossians 3:15; Philippians 4:9.


Peace which passeth all understanding is peace that transcends the power of the human mind to understand it. It can also mean that the peace that God gives surpasses all human understanding as a means of bringing tranquility to the heart. (We prefer the first meaning.)


God's peace guards our hearts and thoughts. The Biblical heart includes such inward qualities as the intellect, the will, the conscience, and the emotions.

By thoughts Paul refers to the mental perceptions, the things that proceed from the heart.

When the heart and the thoughts are protected, a man's whole beingeven to a great degree his physical beingis safe. Proverbs 17:22: A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.

Christians should be able to live above emotional tension, nervous breakdowns, mental illness, and anxiety symptoms. The reason that many do not is simply that they do not pray. They seem to feel, Why pray when you can worry?


Notice that the protection is in Christ Jesus. This promise is not extended to everyone, but only to those in Christ.

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