
To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to Jehovah than sacrifice (Proverbs 21:3).

The righteous man considereth the house of the wicked, How the wicked are overthrown to their ruin (Proverbs 21:12).

It is joy to the righteous to do justice (Proverbs 21:15).

The wicked is a ransom for the righteous; And the treacherous cometh in the stead of the upright (Proverbs 21:18).

He that followeth after righteousness and kindness Findeth life, righteousness, and honor (Proverbs 21:21).

The righteous giveth and withholdeth not (Proverbs 21:26).

The upright, he establisheth his ways (Proverbs 21:29).


The king's heart is in the hand of Jehovah as the water-courses: he turneth it whithersoever he will (Proverbs 21:1).

Every way of a man is right in his own eyes; But Jehovah weigheth the hearts (Proverbs 21:2).

To do righteousness and justice Is more acceptable to Jehovah than sacrifice (Proverbs 21:3).

There is no wisdom nor understanding Nor counsel against Jehovah (Proverbs 21:30).

The horse is prepared against the day of battle; But victory is of Jehovah (Proverbs 21:31).


The king's heart is in the hand of Jehovah as the water-courses: He turneth it whithersoever he will (Proverbs 21:1).

Jehovah weigheth the hearts (Proverbs 21:2).

A proud sin (Proverbs 21:4).

The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination; How much more, when he bringeth it with a wicked mind! (Proverbs 21:27).


The getting of treasures by a lying tongue Is a vapor driven to and fro by them that seek death (Proverbs 21:6).

Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue Keepeth his soul from troubles (Proverbs 21:23).

A false witness shall perish; But the man that heareth shall speak so as to endure (Proverbs 21:28).


The lamp of the wicked, is sin (Proverbs 21:4).

The violence of the wicked shall sweep them away (Proverbs 21:7).

The soul of the wicked desireth evil: His neighbor findeth no favor in his eyes (Proverbs 21:10).

The wicked are overthrown to their ruin (Proverbs 21:12).

To do a destruction to the workers of iniquity (Proverbs 21:15).

The wicked is a ransom for the righteous (Proverbs 21:18).

The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination (Proverbs 21:27).

A wicked man hardeneth his face (Proverbs 21:29).


To do righteousness and justice Is more acceptable to Jehovah than sacrifice (Proverbs 21:3).

The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination; How much more, when he bringeth with a wicked mind! (Proverbs 21:27).


A high look, and a proud sin (Proverbs 21:4).

The proud and haughty man, scoffer is his name; He worketh in the arrogance of pride (Proverbs 21:24).


When the scoffer is punished, the simple is made wise; And when the wise is instructed, he receiveth knowledge (Proverbs 21:11).

There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise (Proverbs 21:20).

A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty, And bringeth down the strength of the confidence thereof (Proverbs 21:22).

Death, destruction

The getting of treasures by a lying tongue Is a vapor driven to and fro by them that seek death (Proverbs 21:6).

The violence of the wicked shall sweep them away (Proverbs 21:7).

The wicked are overthrown to their ruin (Proverbs 21:12).

Destruction to the workers of iniquity (Proverbs 21:15).

The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding Shall rest in the assembly of the dead (Proverbs 21:16).

A false witness shall perish (Proverbs 21:28).


The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness (Proverbs 21:5).

The getting of treasures by a lying tongue Is a vapor driven to and fro by them that seek death (Proverbs 21:6).

There is precious treasure and oil in the dwelling of the wise (Proverbs 21:20).


Every one that is hasty hasteth only to want (Proverbs 21:5).

Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, He also shall cry, but shall not be heard (Proverbs 21:13).

He that loveth pleasure shall be a poor man: He that loveth wine and oil shall not be rich (Proverbs 21:17).


Listen to the number of times that Proverbs praises the man slow to anger: He that is SLOW TO WRATH is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly (Proverbs 14:29); A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is SLOW TO ANGER appeaseth strife (Proverbs 15:18). The discretion of a man DEFERRETH his anger (Proverbs 19:11). He that is SLOW TO ANGER is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city (Proverbs 16:32).

Who can read these verses and think a quick temper is something that God will tolerate? He praises and commends the man who is slow to anger, but He condemns the individual whose temper is like the firecrackerjust waiting to blow up when someone ignites the fuse.
There are so many who need this teaching from Proverbs. If you are one of them, let the Spirit convict your heart of the terribleness of this sin and its consequences. Make it a real burden of your heart that you may be able to overcome it. Confer with another about your decision, and pray together for a complete victory over it.

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