College Press Bible Study Textbook Series
Revelation 3:14-22
Strauss-' Comments
Text Revelation 3:14-22
14 And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write:
These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God: 15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth. 17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and have gotten riches, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art the wretched one and miserable and poor and blind and naked: 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold refined by fire, that thou mayest become rich; and white garments, that thou mayest clothe thyself, and that the shame of thy nakedness be not made manifest; and eye-salve to anoint thine eyes, that thou mayest see. 19 As many as I love, I reprove and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. 21 He that overcometh, I will give to him to sit down with me in my throne, as I also overcame, and sat down with my Father in his throne. 22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.
Initial Questions Revelation 3:14-22
With respect to the Christian life is neutrality possible - Revelation 3:15?
Is a lukewarm Christian life satisfactory to Christ - Revelation 3:16?
Is there ever a stage of Christian maturation where the Christian need not or cannot develop beyond - Revelation 3:17?
Is there any sarcasm apparent in Revelation 3:18?
Does God really chasten or test those whom He loves? How?
Is every individual responsible before God's Word - Revelation 3:20?
Does Revelation 3:20 relate to us how vital, wonderful, and close our relationship with Christ will be?
The Church in Laodicea
Chp. Revelation 3:14-22
The name of this city means justice of the people. The congregation in this city attempted the impossible - they tried to be neutral with respect to their Christian commitment. Laodicea was generally condemned, but it was not a hopeless situation. They were helpless but not hopeless!
Much of the imagery in this section of scriptures comes from the surrounding country-side, i.e., hot springs, the salve to anoint your eyes, etc. There was a great medical school there. They indeed hath need of a Divine Physician.
Laodicea was situated about 40 miles S.E. of Philadelphia. (See Sir William Ramsey, Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia, Nothing better available!) The only new title for Christ found in this verse is the origin or source of the creation of God. See appendix immediately after chp. 3 - for a brief discussion of the crass distortion this title receives at the hands of The Jehovah's Witnesses Cult.
Christ again asserts first hand knowledge of the spiritual condition of the Church in Laodicea. He charges that they are neither (oute) cold (psuchros) nor hot (zestos - boiling). They were attempting the deadly compromise! There can be no real commitment to Jesus Christ and be liturgically cold at the same time. A. T. Robertson says that there is no real Christianity without enthusiasm. Christ must mean more to us than the valid conclusion of polenical arguments. There must be the delicate balance between heart and head. Christ said that I would that you were cold or hot; one or the other but not lukewarmness. This message is still a warning to individuals and congregations alike. Being tepid (lukewarm) and a Christian is a contradiction in terms.
Christ does not actually declare that He is going to vomit them out; He asserts that He is mellô or about (or might do it) to do it. The imagery is very clear - tepid Christians do not set well with God.
Here we begin to take note of a self-sufficient congregation. What do they need with God. It is alright to be a Christian, if it does not interfere with our daily lives. The Lord did not feel about them, as they felt about themselves. What did Christ actually think of them, Christ said you are the wretched one (talaipôros - miserable one) and pitiable (eleeinos - used only one other place in N.T. 1 Corinthians 15:19) it means an object of pity - or a person (or thing) to be pitied, AND POOR (ptôchos - this term is used over 30 times in N.T. and expresses every degree of need and want) and blind and naked. This congregation thought of itself more highly than it had reason to so judge. Christ uses sarcasm in this verse. He had just shown them in the preceding verse their actual spiritual state was in radical contrast with the high opinion they had of themselves. Now, He begins to chide them! I counsel you (rather than commands) to buy from me gold having been refined by fire. This ironic challenge is like a sharp shaft to the spirit. These people, who claimed to have need of nothing are really in need of the truly valuable things of life. The remaining part of this verse is built on hina or purpose clauses. God in Christ counsels them to buy Gold from Him - Why, In order that or for the purpose that you may be clothed and the shame of your nakedness may not be (publically) manifested. The imagery of this last clause fits nicely into the background of the city of Laodicea. One of the great medical schools of the day flourished there. And eye salve to anoint your eyes in order that or so that you may see. How would they have responded to this chain of ironic rebukes (Holy Sarcasm)? How would a contemporary congregation respond to preaching like this?
As many as I love I rebuke (elegchô - put to the test) and I chasten (paideuo - training or nurture, see also Hebrews 12:6) be hot (zeleue - sing. imper. pres. - each individual is commanded to get hot and stay hot, or really be spiritually boiling) therefore and you repent (metanoçson - sing. 1st aor. imper. each one immediately repent) in an act of repentence.
After this scorching denunciation of the Christians in Laodicea, the Lord begins His exhortation to His erring children. Look Here! I stand in front of the door and I knock; Christ not only knocks, but also speaks, so no one will be able to say that they never heard the voice of the master. The conditional clause - if anyone hears. and opens, then I will enter to him and I will dine with him and he with me. The reciprocal relationship generated by a human response is clearly brought out by the repeated (meta - with) proposition. It is not merely that we will have fellowship with Him, but He also with us.
To the one who is continually victorious I will give him to set (kathisai - aor. inf. to set down in a single act.) with me on my throne, as I also overcame (enikesa - 1st aor. act. in one final act Christ overcame) - His was no process of overcoming. We need not wait for the outcome; and sat with (meta - reciprocal relation) my Father on His throne. The thundering voice of Christ must be heard again not merely among the seven Churches of Asia, but must be heard around the world. The one having an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.
Review Questions
How do the Jehovah's Witnesses translate the title of Christ - the source of origin of the creation of God, Revelation 3:14? (See appendix immediately following.)
Do we show enough intelligent enthusiasm in our congregations?
What can be done about tepid Christians in our congregations - Revelation 3:16?
How did Christ describe the Christians of Laodicea - Revelation 3:17?
What is the reason for Christ's strong chiding in Revelation 3:18?
Would your congregation like to hear this kind of preaching?
Note the marked contrast between Christ's rebuke and His sweet exhortation - Revelation 3:20!
Special Study
The Christology of the Jehovah's Witnesses
We shall use the new translation of the New World Bible Translation Committee, which is the official work of the Jehovah's Witnesses, in our study of vital passages in the New Testament concerning Christ and the doctrine of Hell. This is an anonymous work and the J.W.s will not reveal names of those who did the translation. Our common ground in the discussion is the fact that they claim to believe that the Bible alone is their source of doctrine. Therefore whatever that Bible really says about the person of Christ and the reality of Hell is the divine standard for belief.
Many people (Unitarians, Jews, most contemporary Theologians) along with the J.W.'S deny the deity of Christ and the reality of Hell, but not for the same reason. Any competent scholar knows what the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures have to say about both of these doctrines, but they are denied on grounds other than the statements of the Bible.
It is vital that we point out one more factor before we begin our examination of specific statements of the Bible relating to the two doctrines under considerationin the literature of the J.W.'S one sees the names of competent Christian lexicographers, grammarians and exegetes used in defense of their strange manipulations of the Word of God, but we must remember that men such as A.T. Robertson, (S. Bapt. Greek Scholar and often quoted by J.W.'S) believed the scripture taught both the deity of Christ and the reality of Hell. Our real concern is, what do the authors of the N.T. teach!
Doctrine of Christ
The J.W.'S affirm that Jesus is the spirit-creature named Michael the first of God's creation, and it was through him as secondary cause that God created all things. This view is clearly revealed in their New World Translation. This position was originally set forth by the Arian Heresy. The New Testament Doctrine of Christ stands in irreconcilable conflict with this presentation of the person of Christ.
Before we examine several specific passages from their translation we must say a word about their use of the term Jehovah. In their appendix on Jehovah (from page 759f) they list over two hundred times in the N.T. where they have inserted the name Jehovah into the text when it is not based on the Greek text. In the foreword they make an effort to show how the Greek text has been altered and that originally the term Jehovah appeared in the text. The serious fallacy in both their technical understanding and logic becomes apparent when it is pointed out that the best manuscript evidence put forward is a 14th century A.D. Hebrew text of Matthew.
Technically, the pronunciation of the tetragrammation is unknown (no one knows if Yahweh, etc., is correct or not). The term which appears in English as Jehovah or Yahweh could have come from two Hebrew roots, one meaning become, the other to happen. Dr. W. F. Albright and Dr. T. W. Nakarai, et al., illustrate the possible differences in translation by emending the Hebrew consonants with, for example, first simple active or fifth stem (causative) vowels. The vowels used in most popular translations of Jehovah or Yahweh (it is apparent that the vowels in these two words are different) are arbitrarily taken from the Hebrew word for lord - Adonai. After the exile the name of God became so sacred that they did not pronounce it. The Hebrews reason - if there is only one God then we do not need a name because names are for distinction. To this day the name Yhwh is unpronounced in the services of the Hebrew Synagogues, even when it appears in the Scripture text, or prayer book.
The Church has from the N.T. period to the 20th Century affirmed that Jesus Christ is God in human flesh and the final, complete revelation of the nature, purpose, and person and will of God of the O.T. The J.W.'S deny this affirmation - so let us turn to the Scriptures and hear their testimony.
One of the passages listed where Jehovah appears in the New World Translation is Mark 1:3. At Mark 1:2 (1901 R.V.) which is a quotation from Malachi 3:1, we note a change in the pronouns from the Hebrew of Mal. to the Greek of Mk. In the Hebrew of Malachi 3:1 God is speaking and says to prepare my way (or the way before me) and the pronoun is changed to refer to Christ (thy face) in Mark 1:2. (1901 R.V.) Here we have a passage of scripture containing Yahweh and it is employed by an inspired author in referring to Jesus Christ.
The New World Translation of Acts 2:21 which is a quotation from Joel 2:32anyone that calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.
(For those who desire to study the passages critically the following data is essential. In the Hebrew text, chp. 2 runs to Rev 2:27-3:28 begins chp. 3, which contains 5 verses and the Hebrew Text contains chp. Revelation 3:1-21. The English Translation (R.V. 1901) places the 5 verses of chp. 3 with chp. 2 - therefore in the English chp. 2 runs to Rev. 2:32. Chp. 3 of the Hebrew becomes the last vs. of chp. 2 of E.T. and Chp. 4 of Hebrew is Chp. 3 in E.T.)
In the Acts passage the reference is to Christ, but another passage uses the same quotation and is also unmistakenly applied to Christ - Romans 10:9-13. Here Christ is source of fulfilling the Joel passage. The total misunderstanding of the N.T. use of the term Lord is at the heart of the perversion in the N.W.T. The term Lord is unmistakably used for Yahweh and without hesitation the full import is applied to Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
In John 1:1 of the N.W.T. we learn that Jesus is merely a god. It reads:
originally the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god.
We must take note of their erroneous translation of a god because there is no definite article before the noun. Before we analyze this point we must remind the reader that John was a Jew who had been reared on strict Jewish Monotheism (belief in one God) and to speak of a god would have been nonsense and repugnant or idolatry. It would not be difficult to sustain, by many examples, Dr. Ernest C. Colwell's rule of the definite article - a definite predicate nominative has the article when it follows the verb.. The absence of the article before God (theos) of the last clause of John 1:1 in no way permits the translation found in the New World Translation a god. Our standard English translation reads and the Word was God, but the literal translation of the statement would be and God was the Word. The appendix found in the N.W.T. in an effort to justify their distortion quotes thirty-five other passages in John where the predicate noun has the definite article in Greek. These examples provide poor evidence for their translation of a god, because all 35 examples show that the predicate noun stands after the verb. The examples quoted in N.W.T, from the Septuagint (the Greek Old Testament) merely sustain Colwell's rule of the use of the Greek article or the meaning of its absence.
Another passage which is distorted by the N.W.T. is Philippians 2:6-8 (Revelation 3:6 - N.W.T.):
Christ Jesus, who, although he was existing in God's form, gave no consideration to a seizure, namely, that he should be equal to God.
This is such a perversion of the Greek text that only an extended statement on each word would be an adequate reply - since space forbids this we shall comment upon two words from the context of Revelation 3:6-8. The word translated form in Revelation 3:6-7 is (morphç). From Homer (classical literature) forward (morphç) is used in an outward sense or appearance. Plato uses (eidos) in contrast to (morphç) or intrinsic reality. This meaning is also present in N.T. Greek and this specific passage. In Revelation 3:7 we have a reflexive pronoun (heauton) which clearly states that He emptied - not His attribute (as God) out of Himself, but Himself out of one form (God) into another form (slave or servant). It is essential to note the impact of this reflexive pronoun. He was not emptied by someone else; rather He emptied Himself. Even the Unitarian Lexicographer, Joseph Henry Thayer, who denied the deity of Christ, admitted that the Greek of this section of Scripture speaks of Christ's deity. (See Thayer's Lexicon, pg. 418 concerning Revelation 3:6
yet did not think that this equality with God was to be eagerly clung to or retained.
This is one time the J.W.'S would not dare use the help of their Unitarian cohort, Thayer, as they do so often. Clearly the passage affirms the Deity of Christ as the Greek of Paul's Epistle stands in radical contrast to the English translation of this passage in the N.W.T., the official translation of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Paul's statement in Colossians 1:15-17 is another disconcerting passage to the deniers of Christ's Deity. The N.W.T. Colossians 1:15-17 states
because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and upon the earth - all other things have been created through him and for him. Also he is before all other things and by means of him all other things were made to exist. (Italics mine)
We take note that the adjective other appeared four times and it does not occur even once in the Greek Text. The words other and before were inserted to emphasize that Jesus was also created. The J.W.'S are perpetrating the Colossian Gnostic heresy which Paul was seeking to destroy. This heresy affirmed that Jesus was a created being between God and Man. At no time does the New Testament apply the verb to create to the relationship of the Father and the Son. We do not find the Greek word (prôtoktistos) which means first-created, but the word (prôtotokos) which means first-begotten, and is used in the N.T. in reference to Christ. The adjective first gives Christ priority of status and time. Christ has priority over all created things plus His sovereignty over the same. In Colossians 2:9 (R.V. 1901) - Paul affirms that-
in Him dwells (present tense verb - continually dwells) all of the fulness (plçrôma) of the Godhead bodily.
This is a direct affirmation of deity!
The translation found at Revelation 3:14 is also warped to fit the Arianism of the J.W.'S (see N.W.T., Revelation 3:14).
the beginning of the creation by God. (Italics mine)
The Greek Text of the Revelation passage does not say by God, but has the genitive case meaning of God. The translation which appears in the N.W.T. would require a different grammatical structure with the preposition (hupo). As in John 1:1, the term (archç)appears here also. From the period of Homer forward it has the sense of beginning, first cause, government (as in Ephesians 6:12.) The Greek scriptures declare that Christ is the source and origin of all thingsnot all other things as stated in the New World Translation.
The N.W.T. of John 8:58 is the strangest misrepresentation of all of the texts we have mentioned so far. The translation says-
Before Abraham came into existence, I have been. (Italics mine)
The footnote calls this translation a perfect indefinite tense. No standard grammar or lexicon has ever heard of such a translation of a simple present tense verb (eimi). Jesus simply affirms His eternal existence before Abraham - He said, Before Abraham was, I am.
The passages in the N.T. which speak of Christ's subordination (e.g. 1 Corinthians 12:1-2) only speaks of his self-emptying incarnation and not as the N.W.T. suggests, that Christ is less than God the Father.
The favorite book (The Revelation) of the J.W.'S has a doctrine of Christ which stands in marked contrast to their anti-Christian view of Christ.
Old Testament passages which speak of Yahweh are without hesitation applied to Jesus Christ (Deuteronomy 10:17 see Revelation 17:14, Daniel 7:9 see Revelation 1:14, Zechariah 4:10 see Revelation 5:6. Jesus Christ has co-sovereignty with the Father, see Revelation 11:15; He also shares one throne, see Revelation 22:1; Revelation 22:3.The author of Revelation identifies Christ with God, yet he knows nothing of two Gods. Here we see a strict monotheism (belief in one God only). Another point which does not adjust well to the thought of the J.W.'S is that the author identifies the glorified Christ with the Christ of the self-empting incarnation.
These brief statements necessitate our agreement with Dr. Bruce Metzger (see his article listed in the bibliography) that in light of their doctrine of Christ the J.W.'S can in no manner be termed Christian! (See following Bibliography for further study material on Jehovah's Witnesses.)
For Further Study See: Books and Booklets, etc., written by Jehovah's Witnesses, necessary for a primary understanding of their position. These are obtainable from Watchtower, 117 Adams St.,Brooklyn 1, N.Y.
New World Translation of N.T. in one volume. The O.T. is not yet complete, but four volumes containing Genesis to Lamentations are available. Their creedal position is easily determined in Make Sure of All Things; What Do the Scriptures Say About Survival After Death?; The TrinityDivine Mystery or Pagan Myth?; Hell FireBible Truth or Pagan Myth?; Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses: This is an annual report on growth and progress. Jehovah's Witnesses: The New World Society. This is their official history.
Books and Articles, etc., written as criticism of this movement. See these accurate, but simple presentations.
Jan Karel Van Baalen, The Chaos of Cults, chp. 10, Jehovah's Witnesses Eerdman's Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan, revised edition.
John H. Gerstner, The Theology of the Major Sects, chp. 3, Grand Rapids 6, Michigan, 1960. The appendices comparing The Doctrines of Cults are worth the price of the book. (The Doctrines compared are Bible, God, Man, Sin, Christ, Redemption, Church, Future).
Martin and Klann, Jehovah of the Watchtower, Zondervan Publishing Co. Grand Rapids, Michigan. This is the best semi-popular statement covering history and doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses in existence.
Walter R. Martin, Editor, Religious Research Digest (deals only with the cultsA Must!) This is a new quarterly published by the Christian Research Institute Inc., 122 Beaufort Ave., Livingston, N.J. (Subscription price $2.00 per year.)
Dr. Bruce M. Metzger, The Jehovah's Witnesses and Jesus. This is an article in Theology Today, April, 1953, P.O. Box 29, Princeton, N.J.
William J. Schnell, author of Into the Light of Christianity, which effectively debunks brainwashing and heals affected minds of this malady, has in his possession 7,591 letters from converted Jehovah's Witnesses. Price of author's second and more important book is $2.95. He now publishes the bi-monthly Converted Jehovah's Witness Expositor which is sent a whole year as a Missionary into the homes of your Jehovah's Witness friends for sixty-five cents. A new booklet How To Witness to Jehovah's Witnesses may be had for fifteen cents in single copies, or $9.00 in 100 copy lots and is a great help in effectively dealing with Jehovah's Witnesses at your doors and in use of book studies in their homes. Order directly from William J. Schnell, 2889 Guss Ave., Youngstown 8, Ohio, USA.
Tomlinson's Comments
The Laodicean Church
Text (Revelation 3:14-22)
14 And to the angel of the church in Laodicca write: These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God: 15 I know thy works, that thou are neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth, 17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and have gotten riches, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art the wretched one and miserable and poor and blind and naked: 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold refined by fire, that thou mayest become rich; and white garments, that thou mayest clothe thyself, and that the shame of thy nakedness be not made manifest; and eye-salve to anoint thine eyes, that thou mayest see. 19 As many as I love, I reprove and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. 21 He that overcometh, I will give to him to sit down with me in my throne, as I also overcame, and sat down with my Father in his throne. 22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.
While in the first four churches, we are given to see the development of a positive evil within the church, ranging from the deeds of the Nicolaitanes in Ephesus, the synagogue of Satan in Smyrna, the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes and the doctrine of Baalam in Pergamos, the depths of Satan in Thyatira; so with the Sardis church we have revealed to us the development of a state of decline, beginning with Sardis, having a name and are dead, and reaching the final state in Laodicea in which the church is so lukewarm that it is wretched and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.
Revelation 3:14-15 The Lord here presents Himself as The Amen, the Faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the Creation of God.
These characters are not taken from the seven-fold description of Chapter Revelation 1:13-16, but they are taken from other revelations of the Lord Jesus Christ found in that chapter. There He is presented as the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the ending (Revelation 3:8), and also as The faithful Witness. (Revelation 3:5)
Here Christ calls himself by one of the names of God. It is a remarkable name. It is found in Isaiah 65:16. It is found in the midst of a prophecy of the overwhelming judgments that are to fall upon apostate Israel.
So here in the last church period, Christ uses the name of God when judgment is to be meted out. In Isaiah 65:17, he says, For behold, I create a new heaven and a new earth. So following the Laodecean there is to be a new creation.
Again this title The Amen, describes God as the One who accomplishes all His purposes and all His promises. The Lord is this God, the Amen. For all the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him Amen! (2 Corinthians 1:20) And most appropriately he presents Himself as The Amen in the closing period of church history. The very use of this title, gives us the cue of this being the seventh and final stage of the history of the church in the closing days of the gospel age. God is about to ring down the curtain in the history of the church.
He presents Himself as the Faithful and True Witness. The witness of the church had been dimmed by her departure into compromise, paganism, division of denominationalism and, after a brief return to adherence to His Word and name in the Restoration period, gone into total eclipse in the lukewarmness of the final epoch.
Therefore He wants the church to know He is keeping the witness clear, by introducing Himself as the Faithful and true Witness.
The beginning of the Creation of God. Here He presents Himself, not as a part of the creation, but the uncreated principle of creation from whom it (creation) took form.
Nay there is also here the added and deeper thought, that He is the beginning of the new creation in His redemptive work of bringing many sons into glory. (Hebrews 2:10) He is the first born among many brethren. (Romans 8:29)
I know thy works. In every letter we have, without exception, this soul-searching declaration. Christ not only knows the works of each individual congregation, but here he is declaring he knows the works of the last church period. This is because He knows all things from the beginning. He looked down the ages and saw this last age of the gospel dispensation and saw the paralyzing effects of lukewarmness.
The loss of first love, of the Ephesian period, reaches its ultimate end in the awful lukewarmness of the last and final age of this dispensation.
Revelation 3:16-17 The Sharp word of reproof. Usually, in the other letters, the third division of the seven-fold division of the letters, is a word of commendation, followed by the word of reproof. But in this letter the reproof comes before the commendation. It would seem that Christ is so displeased with the final stage of the church that he hastens to the reproof.
Thou art neither hot nor cold; I would thou were cold or hot, so because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth.
Tepid religion is nauseating to Christ. He looked with loathing on the Pharisees of the days of His flesh, who looked upon themselves as religious paragons while their hearts were not right with God, either spiritually or doctrinally.
The Laodiceans were not warm in their affection for Christ, they were not burning with zeal in His cause; nor yet were they cold and altogether heartless. If they had been outright cold, it would have been easier for Him to deal with them, and there would have been a greater likelihood of their discovering their condition.
Ignorance of its true condition was to be a characteristic of the last church period. How true this has become in our day and how completely fulfilled. The mass of people today do not realize their lost condition. They live in the midst of delusion about their lost estate. Thinking itself rich when in reality it was poor; thinking itself well supplied with all that a church of Christ should have, when in reality it was destitute of the most essential things.
This church is just the opposite of that in Smyrna, which was seemingly in poverty and tribulation, but in reality was rich. There was no tribulation in Laodicea, no persecution, no synagogue of Satan to molest them. They were having a very easy and comfortable time.
How true of this age. The church has fine buildings, up-to-date facilities, the services are carried out in the best approved form. But it is hard to get this kind of church today to realize their low estate, spiritually speaking.
Revelation 3:18 But Christ does not abandon them, but says, I council thee. He calls them to repent, coupling that call with a most tender word of exhortation. He had declared them poor, blind and naked, but immediately offers to supply them with gold that they might be rich and white raiment that they might be suitably clad, and with eye salve, that they might see. He offers them:
Gold tried in the fire In Psalms 19:7-11, David declares the value of the Word of GodMore to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold. But the church today is generally uninterested in the gold of God's word. Modernist preachers stand in the pulpit preaching platitudes and the hearers take dross for gold, and pewter for silver. Hence the appalling spiritual poverty.
White raiment that thou mayest be clothed. Revelation 19:8 explains that the fine linen, clean and white, represents the righteousness of saints. In the last age when so many are rejecting blood atonement, no wonder he speaks of them as being naked.
Eye-salve, that thou mayest see. The advice to anoint thine eyes with eye-salve suggests that the church of the last period is destitute of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, for John speaks of the Holy Spirit as the Unction (or anointing) from Christ, the Holy One. (1 John 2:20)
Revelation 3:19 Sharp as had been His rebuke to this lukewarm church, his rebuke was a proof of his unfailing love.
He calls them to be zealous, instead of lukewarm. He calls them to repent. He adds a final word. (Revelation 3:20)
Revelation 3:20 This marvelous invitation needs consideration. First, it is not that Christ is outside that chiefly impresses us, but that He is so near, even at the very door, and not only so, but is ready to enter instantly it is opened. Just outside the door, but the lukewarmness of the church fails to invite Him in. This is the only church of the seven that keeps Christ outside. The self-satisfied church is inside, the door is closed, and Christ is knocking for admission.
The second thing that impresses us is that this invitation indicates this is the last church period and Christ is about to return and he stands at the door and knocks. He is about to come in his second advent. Note: He wants to come in and sup with the saints. When Christ returns we are to sup with him at the wedding feast. (Luke 12:35-40) (Revelation 19:7-9)
There is no real commendation in this letter. There was nothing to commend a lukewarm church.
Next comes a word of encouragement. The message is that it has a special word to the individualIf any man.
In Thyatira the Lord recognizes a remnant of faithful ones, the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine; and in Sardis, there are a few names which have not defiled their garments, but in Laodicea there is a word of strong encouragement to the individual who, amidst general indifference to the things of God, longs for personal fellowship with the Lord.
It would seem that the indifference of lukewarmness of this last period would be so widespread that his encouragement would have to be given to the individual instead to the entire church.
Revelation 3:21 Next comes the greatest of all the promises to any church.
To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in His Throne. How significant this statement becomes since it is the closing promise I
Since He is about to returnstands even at the door and knocksHe promises them who overcome to sit down and reign with Him, since at His return the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our Lord and His Christ.
The devil had promised Him the kingdoms of this world in the temptation, but Christ rejected it, for the price of that glory was the worship of the devil.
Christ refused the offer from the devil, that He might wait for this glorious hour when He, as an overcomer, with all the overcomers, should have earned the right to reign.
Paul said, If we suffer with Him, we shall also reign with Him. (2 Timothy 2:12)
Lastly, we hear the final urgent call. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit, etc. Like the declaration, I know thy works, this call is found in all the seven letters. It is a stirring call to the churches of this Laodicean period. Seven times He repeats this injunction, lest we lose sight of the history of the whole church throughout the seven periods of her life from Pentecost to the end.
Thus we have seen that these letters foretold the main developments and principle eras of the church down through the gospel age.
Also they were written to admonish, encourage, warn, guide, reprove, and call us to heed, to the end that we may pass the time of our sojourn here working out our salvation with fear and trembling, having respect to the recompense of the reward.
As each of Jacob's sons had different personalities and these personalities pictured the characteristics of the tribes descending from them, so do these seven churches, through their local conditions, symbolize the conditions in each of the seven great church periods.