Strauss-' Comments

Text Revelation 6:9-11

9 And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of them that had been slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: 10 and they cried with a great voice, saying, How long, O master, the holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 11 And there was given them to each one a white robe; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little time, until their fellow-servants also and their brethren, who should be killed even as they were, should have fulfilled their course.

Initial Questions Revelation 6:9-11


Where were the souls of the slain found - Revelation 6:9?


Why were they slain - Revelation 6:9?


Does Revelation 6:10 relate the cry of those impatient for justice? (Note Habakkuk's cry in the Old Testament.)


What does the white robes of Revelation 6:11 signify? Who received them?

Revelation 6:9

The fifth and sixth seals go together. When the fifth seal is opened, the martyrs are standing under God's altar, crying for vengeance. They are told that they must wait for God's appointed time. The altar imagery is taken directly from the tabernacle (Exodus 39:39; Exodus 40:29). This is the altar of sacrifice (thusiastçriou). This is the term used in Acts 17:23 (an altar to an unknown god). We must not lose sight of the imagery that the souls were underneath or covered over by the place where the sacrifice for sin was made. John saw the souls of the ones having been slain (esphagmenôn - passive perfect participle - the term has a sacrificial significance, and implies violence) because of (or on account of - dia with the accusative has causal force) the Word of God, and because of (same structure as previous phrase) the witness which they had. The reasons for their being slain were the same for John being banded to Patmos.

Revelation 6:10

The martyrs cried for vengeance! The O.T. prophet Habakkuk asked God the same thing regarding the apparent victory and prosperity of the wickedHow long? Abraham asked the Lord of Heaven - will not the judge of the whole earth be righteous (or do righteously?) Why do the martyred saints cry for vengeance? How does this passage fit in with the contemporary resurgence of the heresy of universalism (that everyone is going to be saved ultimately)? With great volume they cried saying: until when (how long), master, the holy and true, judgest thou not and avengest blood on them dwelling on the earth? The word translated master here is despotçs. The word despotçs is used in Jude 1:4: and 2 Peter 2:11 referring to Christ. In our language the word despot carries a bad connotation. Why did the Spirit choose this term? A despot is one who controls everything (note this term in Acts 4:24 - in times of persecution). There is not much hope left, unless God is all powerful, and that His will and purpose will ultimately prevail.

Revelation 6:11

(Note how often the passive voice - was given is used in this section of scripture. This means that God allows certain things to occur but He is still in command of the reigns of the universe. The martyrs received a white robe. A stolç (robe) was a long festive dress. It was for special occasions only. And it was said to them in order that (hina clause - for the purpose that) they should rest (stop drying and also rest in spiritual peace) yet a little season until should be fulfilled also the fellow slaves of them and the brothers of them the ones being about (mellontes - about to occur) to be killed as also they. God told the saints to rest, because others would also be martyred for their faith in Christ. Things will grow worse on the earth, not better and better in every way.

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