Song of Solomon 6:1-10

TEXT 6:17:10 _Court Ladies:_ Inquiry, Song of Solomon 6:1 _Shulammite:_ Answer, Song of Solomon 6:2Avowal, Song of Solomon 6:3 _Solomon:_ Interview with the Shulammite, Song of Solomon 6:4 to Song of Solomon 7:10 Dialogue: Solomon, Song of Solomon 6:6-10 TEXT 6:1-10 1. Whither is thy beloved... [ Continue Reading ]

Song of Solomon 6:11-13

TEXT 6:11-13 _Shulammite_, Song of Solomon 6:11-13 11. I went down into the garden of nuts, To see the green plants of the valley. To see whether the vine budded, and the pomegranates were in flower. 12. Before I was aware, my soul (desire) set me (made me) Among the chariots of my princely p... [ Continue Reading ]

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