In the first place. First was "opposing groups in your church meetings;" second was misuse of spiritual gifts (chapter 12). Opposing groups. This is the key to what he says about the Lord's Supper. It also helps if we will remember that the church of the first few centuries ate the Lord's Supper (Holy Meal) in the context or setting of a fellowship meal (see note on Acts 20:7). Tertullian describes these ancient fellowship meals (love suppers). MacKnight says: "Christ having instituted his Supper after he had eaten the passover, his disciples very early made it a rule to feast together before they ate the Lord's Supper. The feasts were called (AGAPAI, Charitates) Love feasts. They are mentioned in Jude 1 Corinthians 11:12, and also by some of the ancient Christian writers." These fellowship meals were continued in the church until the middle of the fourth century. At that time they were prohibited. The Roman Catholic church developed the idea of "fasting communion" (no food between midnight and the taking of the Communion).

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Old Testament