I praise you. Paul's praise for them is sincere and truthful. But there may be some irony in it, and he may be quoting something which they said in their letter to him. In the next verses, he scolds them strongly. [From the things Paul writes, it seems that some of the Corinthian women prayed and spoke God's message as teachers, in the Christian assemblies. MacKnight thinks they only pretended to be inspired, but compare Acts 2:17; Acts 21:9 and notes. At Corinth, decent women wore a face-veil which covered both their head and face. (Among the Jews, it was usually only prostitutes who did this. See Genesis 38:14-15.) While teaching in public, these women had thrown off their face-veils, like the prostitute-priestesses in the idol temples. This caused trouble (see Paul's instruction in 1 Corinthians 10:32).]

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Old Testament