Gave thanks to God. EUCHARISTESAS = gave thanks. Eucharist is a good Bible word. It appears some fifty-five times in its various forms in the Greek Testament. Applied to the Lord's Supper, it paints a picture of "looking up to Christ in praise and thanksgiving for what He has done!" This is my body. Jesus says this as he stands before them. Therefore we take these words as symbolic (see 1 Corinthians 11:26). See notes on John 6:53-56. Which is for you. See Hebrews 10:20. Do this in memory of me. The Holy Meal (Lord's Supper) is a living memorial to Christ on the cross! We should also think of it as a "fellowship meal WITH CHRIST" in much the same sense as the meal of John 21:12-13. It is also a VICTORY CELEBRATION!

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Old Testament