The end is near! We find this sort of statement made again and again in the New Testament. We live in the last days (Acts 2:17 and note), but these have been continuing for almost two thousand years now. What John and the others are saying, is that we live in a "last-hour situation." where it is possible that Jesus might come at any moment! The Enemy of Christ. The NIV uses the word antichrist, but this word has been distorted by popular usage. Note that John says many have already appeared at the time he writes this!!! Compare what Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 2:5-12 and notes. The end is near. John was inspired, and it is unlikely he would expect the Lord to come in his lifetime. What John must have in mind is the cycle of Armageddon (Revelation 11:4-14 and notes).

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Old Testament