WHOEVER BELIEVES. For the meaning _of faith,_ see note on James 2:19.
Faith reaches out to seize the sacrifice of Christ (Acts 2:38 and
note). WHOEVER LOVES FATHER. This is another way of saying: love for
God = love for brothers (fellow Christians).... [ Continue Reading ]
THIS IS HOW. John has just pointed out that if we love a father, we
will love his child also. Love for the child grows out of love for the
father. Therefore love for our brothers (fellow Christians) really
grows out of our love for The Father, and this demonstrates its
_reality_ by obeying His comma... [ Continue Reading ]
MEANS THAT WE OBEY. See John 14:23 and note. We cannot divorce _faith_
from _action_ (James 2:22). ARE NOT TOO HARD. _MacKnight_ says: "To a
good man in ordinary circumstances, the keeping of God's commandments
is easy, being the delight of his soul." But we should carry this
farther, since God's pr... [ Continue Reading ]
BECAUSE. Old and young, Jew and Gentile, men and women, slave and
free, - all who are NEW in Christ are able to defeat the world and
resist its temptations to break God's _law!!!_ See John 3:3; John 3:6
and notes. THIS IS HOW. The power of faith to make people able to
overcome the world is clearly s... [ Continue Reading ]
ONLY HE. John's teaching is: that faith in the Logos coming as a human
being to be the means to set men free from sin, guilt, and punishment
- makes easy the commands of God! Only he (or she) who firmly believes
this will be able to conquer the world!!! If you deny the full truth
of the Incarnation... [ Continue Reading ]
JESUS CHRIST. John expands what he said in 1 John 5:5. Some taught
that Jesus was _completely human,_ and that _The Christ_ came down on
him at his baptism and left him _before_ his death (see Introduction
to this Letter). In saying _Jesus Christ,_ John is saying they were
not two _discrete_ persona... [ Continue Reading ]
THERE ARE THREE WITNESSES. Two witnesses would establish the truth.
John says there are three!!! [A footnote in the NIV says; "Late MSS of
the Vulgate add _in heaven; the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit,
and these three are one. And there are three that testify on earth_."
It has been proved th... [ Continue Reading ]
AND ALL THREE AGREE. The notes on 1 John 5:6 show how they give their
witness. The false teachers who claim that Jesus is not The Christ are
to be examined in view of the _witness_ which the Spirit, the water,
and the blood _all agree upon!!! All three agree_ that Jesus is the
Christ, the Son of God... [ Continue Reading ]
WE BELIEVE. "If we are willing to believe the witness men give to
establish the truth, how much more should we believe the witness that
God gives about his Son!!!" THAT GOD HAS GIVEN. God's witness is a
matter of record (John 8:18 and note).... [ Continue Reading ]
SO WHOEVER BELIEVES. "If you believe God's witness to his Son, you
believe in the Son of God (Jesus the Christ). You have this witness in
your heart because you have reached out through faith to seize Christ
and make yourself part of him!!!" BUT WHOEVER DOES NOT BELIEVE. "If
you do not believe, you... [ Continue Reading ]
IS THE WITNESS. "This is the _truth_ which God has declared: He _has
given_ (made available in Christ-on-the-cross) us eternal life, and
this life is in His Son!!!" [Christ-on-the-cross includes the _entire
historical Jesus._]... [ Continue Reading ]
WHOEVER HAS THE SON. "Since _life is in the Son_ (Acts 4:12 and note),
you must have the Son to have life!!! To have the Son you must reach
out through faith to seize Him and make yourself part of His
sacrifice!!!" See Acts 2:40 and note. WHOEVER DOES NOT HAVE. "Since
life is in the Son, whoever doe... [ Continue Reading ]
SO THAT YOU MAY KNOW. "I write this so that you may believe that Jesus
is the Christ (Logos as a human being) as I mentioned in John 20:31;
but even more than this, I write so that you may KNOW that you do have
eternal life!" Confidence is necessary to fight against defeatism and
certain false doctr... [ Continue Reading ]
WE HAVE COURAGE. Compare Hebrews 4:16 and note. God is _our Father_ if
we are _his child!!!_ ACCORDING TO HIS WILL. (1) We should always
pray; "Your will be done!" See the example in Matthew 26:39 and note.
(2) The promise is not: "He will do it," but "He will hear us!" God
will answer in His own wa... [ Continue Reading ]
SINCE WE KNOW THIS IS TRUE. This expands the second qualification in 1
John 5:14, Jesus said the same thing in Mark 11:24. We are limited in
what we pray for by our lack of knowledge (Romans 8:26). Our
confidence is that God will not give what we ask, but what we really
need! But we know God does he... [ Continue Reading ]
COMMIT A SIN. John is writing to preserve the fellowship of the
messianic community (church). Not only should Christians be aware of
the _material needs_ of their brothers (includes sisters), they should
also be aware of spiritual needs. As it is right to pray for the sick
to get well (James 5:15 an... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL WRONGDOING IS SIN. All sin is a serious matter and not to be taken
lightly!!! BUT THERE IS SIN. "The Christian with sin on his hands
comes confidently to his Father and asks to have it forgiven!!! But
the one who has in effect repudiated Christ, seeing sin on his hands,
goes away in fear and hat... [ Continue Reading ]
WE KNOW. "The child of God may fall into sin, but he does not keep on
sinning! Sin has no power over him! Why??? Because the Son of God
keeps him safe from the Evil One!!!" _See Psalms 105._ But our
security in Christ is contingent on our staying in fellowship with the
Father and the Son (1 John 1:7... [ Continue Reading ]
WE KNOW. See Colossians 1:13 and note. "Even though the Evil One holds
the whole world in his grasp, we have escaped through Christ!!! We
know that we belong to God because we are now safe in the kingdom of
his dear Son!!! Evidence of this is the fact that we do not keep on
sinning, as those of the... [ Continue Reading ]
WE KNOW. Not _came,_ but _has come_ and _has given us._ The Eternal
Logos _has come_ as a human being!!! The world can never be the same,
because this fact _stands in history_ and nothing can take it away!!!
God _spoke_ to us through his Son (Hebrews 1:2 and note), and this
_understanding_ will neve... [ Continue Reading ]
KEEP YOURSELVES SAFE. The _false gods_ were probably not idols such as
were at Ephesus and Athens. John is certainly speaking about the false
ideas of God which the false teachers substituted for the _picture of
God_ which Christ gives us in what he says. Compare Galatians 1:6-9.
But it could be tha... [ Continue Reading ]