Verse 11. _EVEN SO_ MUST THEIR _WIVES_ BE _GRAVE_] I believe the
apostle does not mean here the _wives_ either of the _bishops_ or
_deacons_ in particular, but the Christian _women_ in general. The
EVEN SO MUST THEIR WIVES BE GRAVE - Chrysostom, Theophylact, Grotius,
Bloomfield, and many others, suppose that by the word “wives,”
here, (γυνᾶικας gunaikas), the apostle means
“deaconesses.” Clarke...
_ 1. The overseer (1 Timothy 3:1)_
2. The deacon (1 Timothy 3:8)
3. The house of God and the mystery of Godliness (1 Timothy 3:14)...
DEACONS AND DEACONESSES. Certain moral qualities, likewise, are
required in deacons. They must be serious, sincere in speech, free
from love of wine and (since they administer church funds) from love...
THE LEADERS OF THE CHURCH (1 Timothy 3:1-7)...
SLANDERERS. Greek. _diabolos_, adjective sober. Same as "vigilant", 1
Timothy 3:2.
FAITHFUL. Same as "true", 1 Timothy 3:1....
_Even so_must their _wives_be _grave_ The R.V. translates literally
WOMEN IN LIKE MANNER MUST BE GRAVE, i.e. women deacons, favouring the
general view of the earliest commentators, as Chrysostom and T...
11. ΓΥΝΑΙ͂ΚΑΣ ὩΣΑΎΤΩΣ Κ.Τ.Λ. It is difficult to
determine who the ‘women’ are, who are thus brought into the
middle of the paragraph which deals with the qualifications of
ΔΙΆΒΟΛΟΣ (G1228) клеветник....
EVEN SO MUST THEIR WIVES BE GRAVE,— There was as much reason that
this should extend to the wives of _bishops_ also; and as he begins
the next verse with _let the deacons,_ that is to say, as well as...
THE DEACONS 1 Timothy 3:8-13
_TEXT 3:8-13_
8 Deacons in like manner must be grave, not double-tongued, not given
to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre; 9 holding the mystery of the
faith in a pure...
Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in
all things.
(THEIR) WIVES - rather, 'women;' i:e., deaconesses. For there is no
reason that special rules should be laid down a...
5 This passage is primarily intended to break down the bounds in which
salvation had hitherto been confined. The testimony of past eras is no
basis on which to build in this era. The testimony to the...
3 Translators have experienced much difficulty with this opening
sentence, because it seemed to lack the principal verb. The A V adds _
so do_, the Revisers _ so do I now_. It is very seldom that any...
_Their_ WIVES] RV 'women': but instructions about women in general
would not be thus parenthetically inserted. Both Light-foot and
Ellicott translate 'deaconesses.' Such an order, which, it is certain...
FIFTH CHARGE TO TIMOTHY—as to deacons and deaconesses....
1-7. The fourth charge to Timothy, in respect to presbyters....
V1 Anyone who aims to be a leader in the church desires a good task.
That is true. V2 But...
EVEN SO MUST THEIR WIVES... — The _position_ of this solitary
charge, respecting deacons’ wives, in the midst of regulations
concerning “deacons,” is, of itself, almost decisive against the
γυναῖκας : Sc. δεῖ εἶναι, not governed by
ἔχοντας (1 Timothy 3:9). These are _the deaconesses,
ministrae_ (Pliny, _Ep_. x. 97) of whom Phoebe (Romans 16:1) is an
undoubted example. They performed for...
The qualifications of the men who are to be ministers; and first (_a_)
of the episcopus (vv.1-7) secondly (_b_) of the deacons (1 Timothy
3:8-13) with a parenthetical instruction respecting women
1 Timothy 3:8
Younger men, referred to as deacons, were appointed to subordinate
tasks, especially the relief of the poor, Acts 6:1. Though their
service was less i...
Turning to the government of the Church, the apostle deals with two
orders, bishops and deacons. The bishop is an overseer, whose duty it
is to watch over the flock. The apostle describes the qualific...
By using the word "likewise," Paul made it clear that the
qualifications of deacons are as important as those of elders. The
word deacon comes from the original diakonos, whi...
(4) Even so [must their] wives [be] grave, not slanderers, sober,
faithful in all things.
(4) Regard must also be had for the pastor's and deacon's wives....
_ Women, &c. By the Greek again, sober, grave, &c. By these women are
commonly understood such as had made a vow of not marrying, and who
assisted at the baptism of women; (Witham) i.e. deaconesses, w...
(1) В¶ This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a
bishop, he desireth a good work. (2) A bishop then must be blameless,
the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given t...
1 Timothy 1:1-20. We enter now on the confidential communications of
the apostle to some of his fellow-labourers, and tonight on the
epistles to Timothy. The two have much in common, but they have als...
11._Likewise the wives _He means the wives both of deacons and of
bishops, for they must be aids to their husbands in their office;
which cannot be, unless their behavior excel that of others....
The apostle next points out to Timothy the qualities necessary for a
bishop or a deacon, as well as for the wife of the latter. [4] He
supposes here that there were some who desired to undertake this...
EVEN SO MUST THEIR WIVES BE GRAVE,.... Some instead of "wives" read
"women", and understand them of deaconesses, such as were in the
primitive churches; whose business it was to visit the poor and sic...
Even so _must their_ wives _be_ grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful
in all things.
Ver. 11. _Must their wives be grave_] As themselves must, 1 Timothy
3:6. Gravity is such an elixir, as by contact...
_Even so must their wives_ Namely, the wives of the deacons; _be
grave_ Serious in their deportment; _not slanderers_ Or false accusers
of the brethren and others; _sober_ Or _watchful_, (as
MUST THEIR WIVES BE GRAVE; in selecting deacons, regard must be had to
the character of their wives, for they will greatly help or hinder
their husbands in their work. But many prefer to render, "must...
If before we have seen personal conduct that is to be consistent with
assembly character, this chapter, while dealing with personal
character still, connects it directly with the order of the assembly...
Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in
all things.
1. Wives - Why are qualifications given for the wife?
2. Slanderers - What is a slanderer? How could a slandering wi...
“WOMEN MUST LIKEWISE BE”: “Even so much their wives be” (KJV,
Con, Ber, Phi). The term translated “women” can refer to either.
married or unmarried woman, and its meaning is determined by the
8-13 The deacons were at first appointed to distribute the charity of
the church, and to manage its concerns, yet pastors and evangelists
were among them. The deacons had a great trust reposed in them...
EVEN SO MUST THEIR WIVES BE GRAVE: _must their_ is not in the Greek,
but supplied by our interpreters, and, as some think, ill, judging
that he speaks here not of deacons wives, but of deaconesses, of...
1 Timothy 3:11 Likewise G5615 wives G1135 reverent G4586 not G3361
slanderers G1228 temperate G3524 faithful G4103 in...
1 Timothy 3:11. EVEN SO MUST THEIR WIVES. The mention of women in this
parenthetic way is, in any case, remarkable, seeing that the writer
returns to the deacons in the next verse. The English of the...
(γυναικας). Accusative with δε εινα understood
(οσαυτως, likewise) as in verse 1 Timothy 3:8. Apparently
"women as deacons" (Romans 16:1 about Phoebe) and not women in general
or just "wives...
CONTENTS: Qualifications of elders and deacons.
CHARACTERS: God, Christ, Satan.
CONCLUSION: Those having places of authority in the church must be
blameless, not lying under any scandal, watchful ag...
1 Timothy 3:1. _This is a true saying,_ an indubitable word, _if a man
desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work,_ a laudable
sphere of labour and usefulness. But by the idea of a primiti...
_Likewise must the deacons be grave._
I. Deacons should be of noble character (1 Timothy 3:8).
1. They were to be grave--_i.e._, of serious deportment--not sharing
in the follies a...
_Even so must their wives be grave._
A good example is the pastor’s first ministry, and Paul associates
the wife in this ministry, when he wishes the wives to be “grave,
not slander...
1 TIMOTHY—NOTE ON 1 TIMOTHY 3:8 Along with elders (vv. 1 Timothy
3:1), deacons have specific responsibilities in the NT church (see...
1 TIMOTHY—NOTE ON 1 TIMOTHY 3:11 As the esv footnote indicates, the
Greek word for “wives” can mean either “women” or “wives.”
The text could refer to: (1) the wives of deacons (THEIR WIVES); (2)
1 Timothy 3:8. DEACONS.—Originally dispensers of the Church’s
bounty, they came to be regarded as the subordinates of the
presbyters. NOT GREEDY.—Like the first purse...
_Faithful is the saying _for _this is a true saying_,_ _A.V.; _seeketh
_for _desire_,_ _A.V. FAITHFUL IS THE SAYING (see above, 1 Timothy
1:15, note). This manifestly refers...
Ver. 11. There is a difference of opinion among commentators how this
verse should be understood: whether of women in the sense of wives the
wives of the deacons mentioned immediately before; or of wo...
Tonight we will be studying First Timothy three and four. It is
interesting as Paul writes to Timothy on several occasions, he uses
phrases that are interesting to me. He said, This is a faithful
1 Peter 5:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:6; 1 Timothy 1:12; 1 Timothy 3:2;...
Their wives [γ υ ν α ι κ α ς]. Probably correct, although some
find a reference to an official class of women - deaconesses (so
Ellicott, Holtzmann, Alford). But the injunction is thrown
Faithful in all things — Both to God, their husbands, and the poor....
In the original it runs, LET THE WOMEN, by which is meant either the
deacons' wives, or the deaconesses, who were appointed to take care of
the poor women, as the deacons were of the men; understand i...