SO I. Acts does not mention this _painful visit,_ but see 2
Corinthians 12:14; 2 Corinthians 13:1-2. Paul implies that he made up
his mind not to come, only after some very serious consideration of
the matter. Instead of making another painful visit, he sent Titus
with a strongly worded letter (whic... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR IF I. Paul was so much a part of the churches which he served,
that their sorrow was his sorrow!!! It would give him no pleasure to
make them sad, because he himself would share their sadness!... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT IS WHY. Compare 2 Corinthians 13:10. If he came in person, he
might have to use harsh methods to deal with the problems. Compare
Acts 13:9-11.... [ Continue Reading ]
as he wrote the strongly worded letter. [_Johnson_ thinks this letter
is First Corinthians, but there is no evidence that Paul wrote it in
grief or that First Corinthians was to "spare" its readers. Scholars
now believe that the... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW. This is probably not the incestuous man, since this _anyone_
seems to have attacked Paul's work as an apostle, in an insulting way!
In doing this, the _anyone_ has insulted the entire messianic
community (church) at Corinth which is built on Paul's work as an
apostle! But Paul does not want to... [ Continue Reading ]
IT IS ENOUGH. The Corinthian church followed Paul's instruction in the
letter, and the majority punished the offender (see 2 Corinthians
7:8-11). When punishment has brought the desired change, it is enough!... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW, HOWEVER. Christians must not hold grudges! When the offender
repents, the Christian response is to forgive him and encourage him!
Evidently Paul had heard through Titus that the offender was almost at
the point of giving up completely in despair.... [ Continue Reading ]
LET HIM KNOW. Paul does not use his authority to demand it, but he
gently begs them to do this thing. Not only are they to officially
accept him back into their fellowship, but by their _actions_ they are
to let him know that they really do love him!... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THIS VERY REASON. Paul says that their treatment of the offender
was a test of them! Paul will not DOMINEER (2 Corinthians 1:24), but
he will demand their obedience to the message of the Good News.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN YOU FORGIVE. They had joined with Paul in punishing the offender,
now Paul joins with them in forgiving the man. IF, INDEED, I NEED.
"You as the messianic community must do the forgiving. I, Paul, can
only confirm it!... [ Continue Reading ]
TO KEEP SATAN FROM. "A harsh, unforgiving spirit, will allow Satan to
get an upper hand over us! Satan, making us think it is a matter of
duty and loyalty, tempts us to adopt harsh measures, to drive
offenders to despair and make them give up completely, and to turn
outsiders away from the Good News... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN I ARRIVED IN TROAS. Paul does not give us details of his recent
plans and travel. He must have gone to Troas after the riot at
Ephesus. [But the visit in Acts 20:6 must have been at a later time.]
Titus was supposed to meet with Paul there, but did not arrive. THE
LORD HAD OPENED. Note that Pau... [ Continue Reading ]
DEEPLY WORRIED. Perhaps Paul was afraid Corinth had rejected his
letter and that some special problem kept Titus there. It certainly
was the Lord's will that Paul move on, and so he said good-bye to the
friends there and went on to Macedonia.... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT THANKS be TO GOD! Paul is jubilant when Titus brings him the good
report from Corinth! [Paul returns to the theme of his meeting with
Titus in 2 Corinthians 7:5.] WE ARE ALWAYS LED BY GOD. Army commanders
led their captives in a victory parade after a successful battle. Paul
uses this symbolism... [ Continue Reading ]
A SWEET-SMELLING INCENSE. "We are by our preaching a sweet-smelling
incense which Christ offers to God!" This is still the symbolism of
the victory parade. The incense announced both death to the prisoners
and life to the victors! In the same way, the Good News which Paul
preached had differing resu... [ Continue Reading ]
A DEADLY STENCH. The Good News hardens some in their sin, and it is to
them the stench of death! A FRAGRANCE. The Good News brings a response
in others that opens to them the blessings of God! WHO, THEN? "Since
this is in fact a matter of life and death, who is qualified to do
such a work?... [ Continue Reading ]
AS IF IT WERE CHEAP MERCHANDISE. Paul is qualified to God's work by
his union with Jesus Christ (Galatians 2:20). In contrast to true
servants of God are those who peddle the Good News like it was cheap
merchandise. Paul uses a word which means "hucksters who cheat people
by peddling worthless merch... [ Continue Reading ]