As if it were cheap merchandise. Paul is qualified to God's work by his union with Jesus Christ (Galatians 2:20). In contrast to true servants of God are those who peddle the Good News like it was cheap merchandise. Paul uses a word which means "hucksters who cheat people by peddling worthless merchandise." The false teachers cheat and lie, distort the Good News (2 Corinthians 4:2), and victimize people (2 Corinthians 11:13). But because God. The ministry of Paul and every true servant of God, comes from God! No false teacher can truly say this. The PRESENCE of the Holy Spirit (which shows itself by faith, hope, and love) is infallible evidence that a person is in fact a true servant of God. For this reason we have the written Word to measure the reality of every person's faith, hope, and love!!!

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Old Testament