HAS GIVEN US THIS SERVICE. Since 2 Corinthians 2:17, Paul has been
talking about his capacity for the service of the Spirit. Paul had a
special service as an apostle, but every Christian is a servant of God
in a general sense. Paul's opponents said he was too _weak_ to fulfill
his service (see 2 Cor... [ Continue Reading ]
WE PUT ASIDE. The false teachers used secret and shameful deeds,
deceit, and falsified the word of God. Paul never used such methods,
even when he was trying to destroy the church. IN THE FULL LIGHT OF
TRUTH. _Truth_ and _love_ are two weapons which false teachers cannot
use!!!... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR IF. False teachers speak to confuse the hearer (1 Timothy 6:3-5).
If the Good News is hidden, it is only because the hearer has made
himself a veil from prejudice and evil desires!... [ Continue Reading ]
BECAUSE THEIR MINDS. The world is a battleground where truth and error
are locked in struggle for men's minds! But God is always in control,
and Christ has already won the victory! But those who construct veils
for themselves from prejudice and evil desires, allow themselves to be
blinded by the evi... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR IT IS NOT OURSELVES. "Even though we apostles are the likeness of
Christ, we do not preach ourselves. We preach Jesus Christ as your
Lord, and ourselves as your servants!" FOR JESUS' SAKE. Compare 1
Corinthians 9:19-23.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE GOD WHO SAID. Paul paraphrases Genesis 1:3 to show that the same
God who was the only source of light in the beginning, is the same God
who made his light shine in our hearts! The light is the message which
God spoke through his Son (Hebrews 1:2).... [ Continue Reading ]
LIKE COMMON CLAY POTS. Paul speaks in irony! Who would store treasure
in common clay pots!!! Yet God has done just this, to show that the
supreme power is His!!! The false teachers boasted about how great
they were, and how weak Paul was. But Paul shows that God's power
_comes through_ in human weak... [ Continue Reading ]
WE ARE OFTEN TROUBLED. Paul is an _optimistic-pessimist._ For each
word which shows weakness, there is one which shows strength. TROUBLE?
Yes, but not crushed and put out of the battle! IN DOUBT? Yes, but we
do not despair, God will make a way out!... [ Continue Reading ]
MANY ENEMIES? Yes, but God is still our friend! BADLY HURT? Yes, but
not killed!... [ Continue Reading ]
THE DEATH OF JESUS. Paul sees his suffering (and his weakness???) as
sharing in the death of Jesus! Compare Galatians 6:17; 2 Corinthians
13:4. SO THAT HIS LIFE. Compare Romans 8:10-11; Galatians 2:20. Paul
was a messenger of life, in a world of death!... [ Continue Reading ]
ALWAYS IN DANGER. The servants of the Good News were always in danger
from the enemies of Christ! At great risk they transmitted the _life
of Christ_ to mankind! Compare 1 Corinthians 4:9-13. No one could
accuse the apostles of working for selfish motives!!!... [ Continue Reading ]
THIS MEANS. The death that attacks the servants of Christ in many
ways, was the means of spreading the message of life! Paul's work
brought suffering to him, but life to those who heard the Good News!... [ Continue Reading ]
THE SCRIPTURE SAYS. Psalms 116:10 Septuagint. _MacKnight_ reconstructs
the thinking of the Psalmist: "Though I have been in great affliction,
yet faith in God's promises hath supported me, so that I can say, I
believed, therefore I have spoken in praise of his goodness." Paul
points to this example... [ Continue Reading ]
WE KNOW. Notice how sure Paul is that God will do as He promised! WILL
ALSO RAISE US UP. Christ is the _guarantee_ of this (1 Corinthians
15:20-23)_!_ TOGETHER WITH YOU. The total messianic community. See
note on Matthew 16:18.... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL THIS. The suffering and work of the Christian servants. When
suffering and work points to a definite goal and purpose, man's
ability to endure is almost limitless!!! PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING. Paul
sees Christian prayer as praise to God!!! Compare Revelation 8:3-4.... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THIS REASON. 2 Corinthians 4:15. OUR PHYSICAL BEING. Paul's
service to Christ cost him something in physical strength (2
Corinthians 1:8; 2 Corinthians 11:23-28). YET OUR SPIRITUAL BEING.
This is the part of every person that is _morally responsible._ See
Romans 7:20; Romans 7:23; Ephesians 3:16... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR WE FIX OUR ATTENTION. "We pay no attention to the glory that this
world has to offer (1 John 2:15-17). The power, honor, and glory of
this world are only temporary!!! But the unseen things of God, which
we see through faith, are eternal and last forever!!!... [ Continue Reading ]