Men will be selfish. Paul uses the word ANTHROPOI which means mankind in general (both men and women), but 2 Timothy 3:6 shows he is thinking especially of the false teachers. The sins mentioned in these verses have always been in the world. The new quality is that these things will be done openly and defended (as was being done right then). See Romans 1:28-32 and notes, All the other sins begin and end in selfishness!!! Greedy Money-mad! Boastful that he has God's approval. Conceited because he thinks God is obligated to him. Insulting in the things they say about God and his chosen people (the Christians). See Jude 1:14-15. Disobedient. Since the Jews called religious leaders and teachers parents, this could also mean rebellion against true teachers such as Timothy. Ungrateful to those who try to help them. Irreligious. The unholy. See 1 Timothy 1:9-10 and notes.

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Old Testament