And fell trembling. He is convinced they are under divine protection! What must I do? Paul's answer to this question shows the jailer knew they preached a new religion. Believe in the Lord Jesus. This was the point of beginning for this man. To those who already believed, Peter said "repent and be baptized" (Acts 2:38). To one who already believed and had repented, Ananias said "be baptized" (Acts 22:16). Faith reaches out to God (compare Hebrews 11:4). You and your family. This does not mean the family would be saved as a unit. The same WAY open to him, was also open to them. Then they preached the word. They could not believe what they did not know. Paul presents the Good News of God's act in Christ to set men free. This implies all who heard could understand and believe, And washed off their wounds. They were covered with blood, dust, and bruises. Howson thinks they were washed in a large tank or reservoir in the prison courtyard, which was kept full by rainwater from the roof. Were baptized at once. Paul and Silas Were washed from fleshly wounds; the jailer and his family were washed from the deeper wounds and stains of sin (compare Titus 3:4-5; 1 Peter 3:21). [No trace of the baptism of infant children of Christians is found in the New Testament.] Up into his house. The house may have been built on the wall above the prison. This shows his thankfulness. Were filled with Joy. The joy of the Holy Spirit which followed his baptism. Although the text of Acts 16:34 speaks directly of the jailer, Acts 16:33 shows they had all believed and been baptized.

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Old Testament