FIVE DAYS LATER. Five days after Paul had escaped from Jerusalem.
Roman justice moved swiftly. The deep hatred of the Jewish leaders is
shown by the fact that the High Priest himself comes, with some elders
[who were part of the Council]. A LAWYER NAMED TERTULLAS. He may not
have been a Jew. He was... [ Continue Reading ]
PAUL SAID. Roman law condemned no one without allowing them to speak
in their own defence. I KNOW THAT YOU. The frequent turnover of Roman
Governors makes Paul's statement accurate. Felix had been governor for
from six to ten years at this time. Felix had first-hand knowledge of
the people of Judea.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN FELIX. He understood both Jewish hatred and the Christian Way. He
wants to hear what Lysias has to say, before he will decide. HE
ORDERED THE OFFICER. Two reasons caused him to keep Paul in custody:
(1) He did not like to offend the Jews; (2) He hoped Paul and the
Christians would pay him to re... [ Continue Reading ]
AFTER SOME DAYS. Drusilla was the daughter of that Herod who died at
Caesarea (Acts 12:23), sister of Bernice (Acts 25:23). She had been
married at age fourteen to Azizus, king of Emeza; and because of her
unhappy marriage, Felix had been able to "steal her away" and make her
his own wife. Her fathe... [ Continue Reading ]