THE ISLAND WAS CALLED MALTA. Also called Melita, but not to be
confused with the Melita on the coast of Illyricum. This is the island
south of Sicily. It is about sixty miles in circumference. THE
NATIVES. BARBAROI does not mean barbarians as we use the word today,
but simply means they could not sp... [ Continue Reading ]
THE CHIEF OF THE ISLAND. Publius is probably the Roman governor of the
island. It would be his duty to take care of the Roman officer,
soldiers, and their prisoners as well. He was kind and generous to
them. PUBLIUS' FATHER WAS IN BED. Seriously ill. Paul uses his power
to heal the man. [The apostle... [ Continue Reading ]
AFTER THREE MONTHS. This would be either February or March. The worst
weather would be over. THE Twin GODS. This is the literal translation.
Castor and Pollux were known as "The Twin Gods," and were favorite
_sea-gods_ of the sailors. Their carved figures or images were mounted
on the bow of the shi... [ Continue Reading ]
THE BROTHERS IN ROME HEARD ABOUT US. They already had Paul's Letter to
the Romans, and probably there were some of his own converts in this
group. His week in Puteoli gives them time to hear and come to meet
him on the road. MARKET OF APPIUS is forty-three miles from Rome.
THREE INNS is thirty-three... [ Continue Reading ]
AFTER THREE DAYS. Notice he could not "sit still." Likely the first
three days had been spent visiting with the believers. Now he gets
down to work! THE LOCAL JEWISH LEADERS. About the time Christ was
born, there were 8,000 Jews in Rome. Emperor Claudius had ejected them
in 50 A.D. (Acts 18:2), but... [ Continue Reading ]
SO THEY SET A DATE WITH PAUL. A large number came to hear what he
would say. HE TRIED TO CONVINCE THEM. Paul used the Law of Moses and
the writings of the prophets to preach Christ to them. SOME OF THEM
WERE CONVINCED. Faith comes through the message about Christ (Romans
10:17). Each of them _respon... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR TWO YEARS PAUL LIVED THERE. Christians in Rome and other places
supported Paul during this time (_compare_ Philippians 4:18_ and
note)._ Paul was able to do a great work here at Rome! This was God's
providence in action (_see note on_ Acts 28:16). Paul's career ends
here in Acts. Traditional his... [ Continue Reading ]