My Christian brothers. The usual New Testament meaning of this is
"fellow Christians," including both men and women. WHO ALSO. God calls
us through the message of the Good News (John 6:44-45). The Jews were
called to a promised land here on earth; Christians are called by God
to Eternity! THINK OF J... [ Continue Reading ]
HE WAS FAITHFUL. He completed the mission which God sent him to do.
See John 17:4. JUST AS MOSES. This is the language of Numbers 12:7_.
MacKnight_ says the point is: "As Moses was faithful in forming all
parts of the Jewish church (God's _house_ at that time); just so
Christ was faithful in forming... [ Continue Reading ]
A man who builds a house. Even though Jesus is similar to Moses in
being faithful, still he receives more honor and glory than Moses. The
next verses explain this. [Note that God's _house_ is built out of
_living stones_ (Ephesians 2:20-22; Matthew 16:18).]... [ Continue Reading ]
EVERY HOUSE. _MacKnight_ words this: _"Besides, every religious
society is formed by someone; But he who hath formed all_ righteous
communities and religious societies, _is God;_ Who having delegated
his authority to his Son, hath made him Lord of all.... [ Continue Reading ]
AS A SERVANT. Here is the real difference between Moses and Christ!
Moses was a servant in the Jewish church. He accurately carried out
the mission which God gave him; because the Jewish church was a
prophecy of what God would say in the future; that is, in Christ's
church.... [ Continue Reading ]
AS THE SON. God's _house_ is the _church_ = the religious _community_
of God's people. Moses was a servant, Christ is the Son. When Christ
_superseded_ the Jewish church constructed by Moses, and built his new
_gospel church_ (messianic community) which would _include_ all
nations, he used his autho... [ Continue Reading ]
SO THEN. "Be warned by the example of Israel!" AS THE HOLY SPIRIT
SAYS. The Spirit speaks to us through the written Word. This quotation
is from Psalms 95:7-11 Septuagint. IF YOU HEAR. (1) The fact that the
Jewish church has been superseded does not terminate God's offer of
salvation. (2) The two gr... [ Continue Reading ]
DO NOT BE STUBBORN. Compare Exodus 16:3; Exodus 17:1-7. "After seeing
the _hand of God_ in Egypt, they still were stubborn and rebelled
against God. Don't you make that same mistake!... [ Continue Reading ]
THERE YOUR ANCESTORS. They annoyed God by their rebellion. Even though
he gave them food and water by supernormal means, they still would not
love Him.... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THAT REASON. God was angry and disgusted with the very people He
had saved! Their attitude (heart) was bad.... [ Continue Reading ]
I WAS ANGRY. In scripture, human body-parts and human emotions are
used as figures-of-speech to communicate to us His way of doing
things, in a form which we can understand. GOD IS SPIRIT! THEY SHALL
NEVER! The whole generation (except Joshua and Caleb) was refused
entrance into Canaan! To get an id... [ Continue Reading ]
BE CAREFUL. "This example of sin and punishment should teach you a
lesson. You will be sinning just as they did if you reject the gospel,
or if having once accepted it, then renounce it.... [ Continue Reading ]
INSTEAD. "Instead of trying to turn each other away from Christ, you
must help one another to believe!" Today. While it is "Today," God's
offer of salvation is in effect. But it also implies that it may be
withdrawn at any time. Sin makes a man _blind_ to the attractiveness
of God's _offer!_ (Rememb... [ Continue Reading ]
PARTNERS WITH CHRIST. Compare notes on Hebrews 3:6 AT THE BEGINNING.
See Hebrews 6:4-6; Hebrews 11:1; Romans 5:1-2.... [ Continue Reading ]
THIS IS WHAT. Psalms 95:7-8 Septuagint. See notes on Hebrews 3:7.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO HEARD? The answer is: _all the people._ But see notes on next
verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
WITH WHOM. Note that these people continued to rebel against God
during the whole forty year's time. WHO FELL DOWN DEAD. The whole
generation who escaped from Egypt in the Exodus, died in the desert!
[But there were a few expections: Joshua and Caleb are mentioned by
name in _Deuteronomy 1;_ Numbers... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN GOD MADE HIS SOLEMN PROMISE. Numbers 14:22-23; Psalms 95:11. "To
show you the sin of rebellion, I ask you to whom did God make this
solemn promise: They shall never come in and rest with me'? It was
those who had seen his miracles, but because they did not believe,
they refused to go into the l... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY WERE NOT ABLE TO GO IN. If _unbelief_ made it impossible for the
Israelites to go into the land of Canaan, then _unbelief_ will close
the gates of heaven to those who have already started on their way!
They did not believe God could bring them into the promised land in
spite of the fierce oppos... [ Continue Reading ]