Before the world was created. The brief time from the Virgin Birth in Bethlehem to the Ascension from the Mount of Olives must be understood in its relationship to the WHOLE of the Son of God. Read what Paul says in 1 Timothy 3:16; Colossians 1:15-20. John shows us, that: (1) the One who appeared in human form as Jesus the Christ EXISTED before the world was created; (2) that he was with God FACE TO FACE before the world was created; (3) that he was DIVINE - the same as God; (4) that he was the Word [LOGOS]; (S) that through him ALL creation was done. Some secrets of the divine nature of the Word, and the exact relationship between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, must wait for Eternity to unfold. But this much is clear: God creates through the Word, and God speaks to man through the Word. When that Word became a human being and lived among us, we recognize him as Jesus the Christ. [On the wording of John 1:1 Seth Wilson writes: "THE TEV TRANSLATION DOES NOT MISREPRESENT WHAT JOHN ACTUALLY WROTE! The Bible teaches that Jesus, the Son of God, is so much the same as God that it is right to call him God; but it is not wrong to say he is the same as God, because he is the same deity with a distinct identity." Compare Hebrews 1:1-3; Philippians 2:6-11; John 8:58.

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Old Testament