But how terrible for you who are rich now. Matthew does not give these. Jesus lists four "horrors" which are the exact opposite of the beatitudes he had just given, and the meaning will be found in the comparison. Rich now. Those who are so much "IN LOVE" with this present "world" that they have become proud, arrogant, and unteachable. Such as these disqualify themselves for Christ's spiritual Kingdom. Full now. Those who are completely satisfied with material things. They have no deep sense of spiritual need, no desire to be "put right" with God. Because they have made this world their "god," they will go hungry when all that is material is stripped away. Laugh now. Not ordinary laughter, but those who make their sin and rebellion against God a hilarious frolic. These will not laugh when Jesus Comes and the dead are raised! Compare Revelation 6:12-17. When all men speak well of you. This is said specifically to the disciples. It is the exact opposite of Luke 6:22. Whoever structures his life to please God will meet people who will hate, reject, and insult him, [as they did to Christ]. To get all men to speak well of you, you must join the false prophets. [These four "horrors" can be understood as four types of people. (1) Those who worship riches. (2) Those delighted with this present life. (3) Those who live only for pleasure. (4) Those who live only to get praise and glory.]

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Old Testament