WHEN JOHN THE BAPTIST HEARD. John had been in prison about a year now.
Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee had put him there because he
had objected to Herod's adulterous marriage with his brother Philip's
wife (Matthew 14:1-11). Josephus says that Machaerus, a strong fort
built by Herod the Grea... [ Continue Reading ]
ARE YOU THE ONE? John had predicted the One who would come (Matthew
3:1-12). Perhaps he hopes to prod Jesus into acting (to set up a
political action.).... [ Continue Reading ]
GO BACK AND TELL JOHN. Luke adds: _"At that very time Jesus healed
many people._ "Jesus points to his work as the answer. There may be a
gentle rebuke in this, in response to John's weakening faith.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE DEAD ARE RAISED TO LIFE. Luke mentions the raising of the widow's
son at Nain just before this. Matthew has shown the raising of the
Jewish official's daughter. THE GOOD NEWS IS PREACHED TO THE POOR. The
Pharisees and the teachers of the Law despised the poor. The
philosophers and the theologian... [ Continue Reading ]
HOW HAPPY IS HE. This implies that John had doubts about Christ
probably because he had not set up the political kingdom which he
expected. This also implies strongly that Jesus knows best WHAT his
Kingdom is.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHAT DID YOU EXPECT TO SEE? John the Baptist preached in the desert,
and the people came to him. Jesus emphasized the dignity of John, as
if John's being in prison, and his doubts, might cause them to devalue
what he had done. John did not bend with every breath of wind that
blew.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHAT DID YOU GO OUT TO SEE? His clothes? He wore the very cheapest!
John was raw, unsophisticated a powerful man. God chose this type of
men to be his spokesmen.... [ Continue Reading ]
YOU SAW MUCH MORE THAN A PROPHET. John was a reformer one who called
the people to renewal. Also, he was the "advance man" for Jesus which
made him unique in all of history.... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR JOHN IS THE ONE. See note on Matthew 3:3.... [ Continue Reading ]
REMEMBER THIS! A paradox. John is greater than kings, statesmen, even
the prophets of old. Herod would have been forgotten, had he not put
John in prison. All this is true yet Jesus says: BUT HE WHO IS LEAST.
This shows the importance of the Kingdom of heaven. Also (1) It
implies that John was not i... [ Continue Reading ]
force their way in as they would try to conquer a city. (Compare note
on Mark 15:7.) They attempted to make Jesus A political King (John
6:15).... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL THE PROPHETS AND THE LAW OF MOSES. We find the meaning in Luke
GOD IS BEING TOLD." This was the beginning of John's work as "advance
man," preparing for the work of Christ, and the announcement that the
Old Era was about to clos... [ Continue Reading ]
JOHN Is ELIJAH. Not a reincarnation, but spiritual Elijah the
fulfillment of Malachi's prophecy that Elijah would come before the
Day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5).... [ Continue Reading ]
LISTEN! Christ makes it emphatic!!!... [ Continue Reading ]
NOW, TO WHAT CAN I COMPARE? See _Matt. 7:31-35;_ Matthew 23:29-36.
THEY ARE LIKE CHILDREN. Ancient towns had an open market place, where
children would often come and play.... [ Continue Reading ]
WE PLAYED WEDDING MUSIC. A mock wedding, then a mock funeral, but the
children were not happy with either, and would neither dance nor cry.
Nothing could please them.... [ Continue Reading ]
HE FASTED AND DRANK NO WINE. John lived an "ascetic" life. They
accused him of being under the influence of evil spirits a fanatic.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE SON OF MAN CAME. Jesus lived as we do. He was not an "ascetic."
His first miracle was at a wedding-feast (John 2:1-11), and he
attended Matthew's feast (Matthew 9:10). He drank the light, harmless
wine of Palestine (not like our commercial wine). A FRIEND OF TAX
COLLECTORS AND OUTCASTS. He loved... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN JESUS BEGAN TO REPROACH. Compare Luke 10:12-15. The cities around
the Lake of Galilee had received most of his attention, therefore they
had the least excuse for not accepting him. It makes Jesus sad because
the people did not turn from their sins (_see_ Matthew 23:37-39). We
know of many mirac... [ Continue Reading ]
HOW TERRIBLE IT WILL BE. Chorazin has vanished. It is mentioned only
here and in Luke 10:13. About two miles from the ruins of Tell-Hum
(thought to be Capernaum) there are ruins now called Kerazeh which
include a synagogue and columns and walls of building, which may mark
the site of Chorazin. Beths... [ Continue Reading ]
GOD WILL SHOW MORE MERCY. This teaches: (1) There will be a Day of
Judgment. (2) People will be judged in view of their opportunities.
(3) The "UNPARDONABLE SIN" is rejection of Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
AND AS FOR YOU, CAPERNAUM. Capernaum was a city of 30,000. It may have
been on the lake shore, at the ruins called Tell-Hum. It was the
Galilean home of Christ, who taught in the streets and houses, and
performed many miracles there. The people were very proud of
themselves, but they will be thrown... [ Continue Reading ]
GOD WILL SHOW MORE MERCY TO SODOM. They made better use of the
opportunities they had been given. Sodom had been destroyed two
thousand years before Christ, yet he speaks of a future judgment. (1)
There will be a judgment after death. (2) Earthly punishment for sin
does not fulfill the requirements... [ Continue Reading ]
AT THAT TIME JESUS SAID. At the conclusion of reproaching the towns.
FATHER, LORD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. Jesus shows his humility. Four more
times, in deep emotion, Jesus speaks to his Father (John 11:41; John
12:28; John 17:1; Luke 23:34). WHAT YOU HAVE HIDDEN FROM. From the
Pharisees and teachers of... [ Continue Reading ]
YES, FATHER. It is God's deliberate act which made the gospel what it
is.... [ Continue Reading ]
MY FATHER HAS GIVEN ME ALL THINGS. This would be made fully true in
the act of the Cross. _See_ Colossians 1:15-23. NO ONE KNOWS. Both
Jesus [the Eternal Logos] and God the Father are "unknowable" by human
minds. Jesus reveals to us the nature of God both in himself and in
his teaching. And, he reve... [ Continue Reading ]
COME TO ME. A promise! Kings and rulers make themselves difficult to
reach. Our Divine Savior says: "Come to me!" It is the Lord who
speaks. He says: "Cornel" He invites those who are "tired from
carrying their heavy loads." He promises to give these rest. Millions
in all ages of time since then, kn... [ Continue Reading ]
TAKE MY YOKE. Symbolic of placing yourself in his hands and control.
We seize his promise by obediently become his disciples (Matthew
28:19-20).... [ Continue Reading ]
THE YOKE I WILL GIVE YOU IS EASY. His yoke is very easy and light,
compared to the penalty which sin imposes. The load which Christ gives
us is carried in love and he helps us to carry it. (_See_ Romans
8:26-28; 1 Corinthians 10:13.) EVERYONE MAY COME!!!... [ Continue Reading ]