Matthew 14:1
HEROD. Herod Antipas (see note on Matthew 2:1), HEARD ABOUT JESUS. He had been away in a war with Aretas, king of Arabia, and probably did not hear much until he returned.... [ Continue Reading ]
HEROD. Herod Antipas (see note on Matthew 2:1), HEARD ABOUT JESUS. He had been away in a war with Aretas, king of Arabia, and probably did not hear much until he returned.... [ Continue Reading ]
HE IS REALLY JOHN THE BAPTIST. Herod was a Sadducee, and they did not believe in a life after death. But his guilt makes him think John the Baptist had come back from the dead. THAT IS WHY. John the Baptist did not do miracles (John 10:41). Herod thought that being raised from death had given John t... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR HEROD HAD ORDERED. This arrest of John had happened a year earlier, just before Jesus made his second visit to Galilee (Matthew 4:12; Mark 1:14). HE DID THIS BECAUSE OF HERODIAS. While the guest of his brother Philip in Rome, he had fallen in love with his brother's wife, and took her with him w... [ Continue Reading ]
IT ISN'T RIGHT FOR YOU TO MARRY HER. (1) Philip, the husband of Herodias, was still living. (2) Antipas' wife was still living. (3) Jewish law did not allow a man to marry his niece. See Mark 6:16-29 for a more complete account.... [ Continue Reading ]
HEROD WANT TO KILL HIM. This shows something of the power of public opinion. Mark says he was afraid of John also. He, too, believed John to be a prophet, and liked to listen to him, even though he did not like some things which John told him.... [ Continue Reading ]
ON HEROD'S BIRTHDAY. The Herodian princes imitated the Roman emperors, by celebrating their birthdays with a feast, which was a "wild party." THE DAUGHTER OF HERODIAS. Salome the daughter of Herod's brother Philip. It was not usual for ladies of high rank to dance outside the privacy of the harem. H... [ Continue Reading ]
HE PROMISED HER. He rashly swears a vow, offering to give her anything at all. [See Matthew 5:34-36 about taking a vow.]... [ Continue Reading ]
AT HER MOTHER'S SUGGESTION. Mark tells us she went out and asked her mother what she should ask for. Her mother had told her to dance just so this opportunity would come. She is told to ask for the "head of John the Baptist" on a large serving plate.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE KING WAS SAD. Very unhappy at this. BECAUSE OF HIS PROMISE. He has sworn a vow, and also because he fears the taunts of the guests.... [ Continue Reading ]
SO HE HAD JOHN BEHEADED. In spite of public opinion and his own fear of John as a "holy man.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO TOOK IT TO HER MOTHER. Jezebel was the woman to wanted to kill Elijah (1 Kings 19:1-2). Herodias is "Jezebel" to the "second Elijah" (Matthew 11:14), John the Baptist.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN THEY WENT AND TOLD JESUS. John the Baptist had pointed out Jesus as the Messiah (John 3:25-36). In this time of deep sorrow, John's disciples look to Jesus for sympathy and help.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN JESUS HEARD THE NEWS. John the Baptist was both a close friend and a relative of Jesus (Luke 1:36). He felt the deep sorrow, just as we would. Also, the twelve had just returned from a very successful tour, Jesus' popularity was at its peak, and the crowds kept coming (see Mark 6:30-31). Jesus... [ Continue Reading ]
HIS HEART WAS FILLED WITH PITY FOR THEM. The crowds were already there when he got out of the boat. The area west of Lake Galilee was heavily populated, with Capernaum alone having some 30,000 people. There were twelve other cities near its shores. John 6:3 implies he first went up the mountain, but... [ Continue Reading ]
IT IS ALREADY VERY LATE. This was the "first evening," from 3 to 6 P.M. The "second evening" began at sundown (6 P.M.). It would soon be dark and they must get their food before sunset. THIS IS A LONELY PLACE. There were no farmhouses in Palestine. The people lived in villages, and farmers often wen... [ Continue Reading ]
YON YOURSELVES GIVE THEM SOMETHING TO EAT. He said this to test his disciples (_Compare_ John 6:5-6). They did not understand how it could be done.... [ Continue Reading ]
FIVE LOAVES AND TWO FISH. It was Andrew who spoke (John 6:8). The loaves of barley-bread were probably "hardtack," large, flat, and thin, similar to a cracker. They were what poor people ate. This seemed like nothing at all, because they could see that it would cost $200. [in 1974 dollars] to feed s... [ Continue Reading ]
HE ORDERED THE PEOPLE TO SIT. They sat down in rows (Mark 6:40) AND GAVE THANKS TO GOD. He asked God to bless this food. [People at that time, stood up, with eyes and hands raised toward the sky, as they prayed to God.]... [ Continue Reading ]
EVERYONE ATE AND HAD ENOUGH. This was not a skimpy miracle! TWELVE BASKETS FULL. This showed how much food was provided. It also teaches us to conserve our resources. [Jews took along baskets when they traveled, to carry food, so they would not have to depend upon the Gentiles and risk "ritual defil... [ Continue Reading ]
THE NUMBER OF MEN. Five thousand men _plus_ women and children. A large crowd. There was one loaf to each thousand men. It is a Divine principle, that they more they give to the hungry, the more they have for themselves!... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN JESUS MADE THE DISCIPLES GET INTO THE BOAT. Jesus sent them on ahead, perhaps so he could have some peace and quiet to meditate. John says they went toward Capernaum.... [ Continue Reading ]
HE WENT UP A HILL BY HIMSELF TO PRAY. After sending the crowd away. Their excitement had bordered on frenzy (_see_ John 6:14-15). In time of crisis, Jesus would go off alone to pray.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE BOAT WAS FAR OUT IN THE LAKE. About three or four miles from where they started. The fury of the wind was whipping up waves (Mark 6:48).... [ Continue Reading ]
WALKING ON THE WATER. Having finished his prayer, he now came to them _walking on the water_! The language is very firm in pointing out that it is the water itself which he walks upon.... [ Continue Reading ]
IT'S A GHOST! Compare Luke 24:37. In the dark stormy night, they had no reason to expect Jesus to be walking across the water to them.... [ Continue Reading ]
JESUS SPOKE TO THEM AT ONCE. He finds it necessary to again and again speak to quiet their fears and strengthen their faith both here and at other times. IT IS I. EGO EMI. This is the same expression he uses at Jerusalem (John 8:58), and is a form of the "I AM" (Exodus 3:14). He means to imply that... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN PETER SPOKE UP. Impulsive Peter! "LORD, ORDER ME TO COME OUT ON THE WATER TO YOU." This may be the voice of pride.... [ Continue Reading ]
COME! ANSWERED JESUS. Perhaps to teach Peter a lesson. Peter gets out and begins to walk toward Jesus _on the water._... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN HE NOTICED THE WIND. His faith is not as strong as he thought. As he becomes afraid, he begins to sink!... [ Continue Reading ]
AT ONCE JESUS REACHED OUT. True faith doesn't need to "show off." Peter's act didn't demonstrate faith, but rather, doubt. The Bible points out weakness as well as strength in its human heroes. No book of myths would do that.... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THE WIND DIED DOWN. They were safe the Lord of wind and wave was with them! (Psalms 107:29)... [ Continue Reading ]
TRULY YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD! They are convinced by his power. Compare John 20:28-29.... [ Continue Reading ]
CAME TO LAND AT GENNESARET. A small, very fertile area, four miles long and two or three miles wide, just south of Capernaum on the shore of Lake Galilee.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHERE THE PEOPLE RECOGNIZED JESUS. His coming causes a near riot as the sick from the surrounding area are brought to Jesus to heal. Medical care was not generally available, so the people gather in great crowds.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY BEGGED HIM. There were so many he could not speak to them individually. Those who touched the fringe on the edge of his cloak were immediately made well! [Shortly after this, Jesus taught about the "Bread of Life" (_see_ John 6:22-65) in the synagogue at Capernaum, and many of his followers lef... [ Continue Reading ]