THEN THE SPIRIT LED JESUS. Mark says the Spirit made him go. INTO THE
DESERT. Tradition places the temptation in the deserted area between
Jerusalem and the Dead Sea, especially on the mountain called
Quarantania. TO BE TEMPTED. _See_ Hebrews 2:18; Romans 8:3. The One
who came to destroy Satan's kin... [ Continue Reading ]
without food for the same length of time. It was a period of spiritual
power, of meditation and prayer, and of preparation for his work. He
did not need food while this was taking place. JESUS WAS HUNGRY. As
this period ended, he felt... [ Continue Reading ]
THE DEVIL CAME TO HIM. He chose a time of physical weakness to press
this temptation. It is uncertain whether Satan came in a personal
form, or as the whisper of an evil spirit. IF YOU ARE GOD'S SON. A
taunt. Satan is saying: "Show your power if you have any." But if
Jesus had used his power to esca... [ Continue Reading ]
JESUS ANSWERED. Jesus uses the "sword of the Spirit" [the Bible] as
his weapon. He quotes Deuteronomy 8:3 LXX [read the context]. BUT ON
EVERY WORD. God sustains on bread, but uses other means when it suits
his purpose, He fed Israel on manna, sent by his word. We can trust
his promise.... [ Continue Reading ]
TO THE HOLY CITY. We are not told how he took him. THE HIGHEST POINT.
Probably the lofty porch overhanging the valley of Kedron. From the
roof to the valley floor was 300 feet, Josephus tells us.... [ Continue Reading ]
IF YOU ARE GOD'S SON. Again the taunt. Note the Devil can quote
scripture too. Jesus had demonstrated his trust in God's word. The
Devil asks him to go from the extreme of distrusting God, to
recklessly testing God. This is seen again and again as the people ask
for a sign from heaven. Perhaps Satan... [ Continue Reading ]
YOU MUST NOT PUT. Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 6:16. No need for argument.
What Satan asks is forbidden.... [ Continue Reading ]
A VERY HIGH MOUNTAIN. He spreads a panoramic view of the world. Not
literally visible, but visualized by the eye of the mind.... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL THIS I WILL GIVE YOU. No disguise here. Satan claims to rule the
world. Jesus came to be King, but the road he must follow involves a
horrible price. Satan offers a short-cut. He will bring Israel to him,
set up David's throne, make him the Messiah-ruler of the world if he
will only give up this... [ Continue Reading ]
GO AWAY, SATAN! Jesus rebukes him. "Go away" implies disgust. Satan is
called by name and commanded to leave. WORSHIP THE LORD YOUR GOD AND
SERVE ONLY HIM! Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 6:13. This forbids worship of
any other object than Jehovah, whether idols, false gods, church
leaders, saints or angel... [ Continue Reading ]
THEN THE DEVIL LEFT HIM. Luke adds: "for a while." When the Devil is
opposed, he flees. ANGELS CAME. When he had opposed the Tempter and
won the battle, heavenly messengers came to help with food and also
with spiritual comfort.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN JESUS HEARD. Matthew makes no attempt to follow the order of
events. He omits a year between the temptation and this verse. (1)
Jesus had returned to Bethany east of the Jordan (John 1:15-37) where
the first disciples were called; (2) The return to Galilee and the
miracle at Cana (John 2:1-11);... [ Continue Reading ]
NOT... IN NAZARETH. They had rejected him (Luke 4:16-30), LIVED IN
CAPERNAUM. A city of 30,000 on the northwest shore of the Lake of
Galilee, It was an important city, had a synagogue, a Roman army
garrison, and a customs station with Matthew as the tax officer. It
was abandoned long ago. It was "Ch... [ Continue Reading ]
TO MAKE COME TRUE. Matthew's way of saying this fulfilled prophecy.
This prophecy is found in Isaiah 9:1-2.... [ Continue Reading ]
Of THE SEA. Lake Galilee is the "sea.".... [ Continue Reading ]
THE PEOPLE. Those of the area just mentioned. WHO LIVE IN DARKNESS.
Religious ignorance. WILL SEE A GREAT LIGHT. Light means Truth. Christ
is the light of the world! Jesus taught in the area described, and the
prophecy came true.... [ Continue Reading ]
FROM THAT TIME. Probably from the time Jesus began to live in
Capernaum. JESUS BEGAN TO PREACH. This begins his Galilean ministry.
TURN AWAY FROM YOUR SINS. What Jesus now preaches is identical to
John's message (Matthew 3:2). He commands them to turn from sin to
God, because the Kingdom is near. Th... [ Continue Reading ]
AS JESUS WALKED. The sea or lake of Galilee, named for the province of
Galilee on its western side. Also called Lake Gennesaret; About
thirteen miles long and six miles wide. The Jordan river runs through
it and on into the Dead Sea. Jesus lived, taught, and did most of his
miracles on its borders.... [ Continue Reading ]
COME WITH ME. They had continued to fish. Now they are formally called
to devote all their time to a new work. They are to become apostles
special messengers of Christ.... [ Continue Reading ]
At ONCE. They did not question his word of command. They obeyed at
once!... [ Continue Reading ]
TWO OTHER BROTHERS. Probably all Jesus called to be apostles were
already his disciples (_see_ John 1:29-51). This was a formal call to
take up the "obligation" of Christ. James and John were also
fishermen. Zebedee was their father, Salome their mother. Thought to
be cousins of Jesus.... [ Continue Reading ]
AT ONCE. They had received a higher call. They left their father and
followed.... [ Continue Reading ]
JESUS WENT ALL OVER GALILEE. These next three verses condense the work
and teaching of a long period, and introduce the detailed account
given in the following Chapter s. TEACHING. The Jews met every Sabbath
[Saturday] in their synagogues for worship. This gave Jesus a
ready-made audience. It was th... [ Continue Reading ]
THE NEWS. What he was doing attracted attention. Syria was the Roman
province north and east of Palestine, and may have included the latter
at this time. Antioch and Damascus were in this province [_see map_].
PEOPLE WITH DEMONS. Demons are evil spirits with the ability to hurt
people. They are serv... [ Continue Reading ]
GREAT CROWDS. Attracted by his teaching and his miracles. [_see map_
for Galilee and the Ten Towns.] Jesus was: (1) active; (2) he went to
the people; (3) he went where the busiest people were; (4) he went
where worshipping people were; (5) he went where needy people were.... [ Continue Reading ]